“No fun” snowballing under the microscope again Despite the many attempts in Season 13, theLeaguedevs still can’t get early game snowballing under control, so they’re taking another swing at it this patch. This latest attempt involves tuning several Epic items, including Serrated Dirk and H...
In patch 14.7, unlike patch 14.6 with three such changes, only Camille received a local rework. The main reason for such a rework is her return to her roots: with the start of the 14th season, Camille significantly declined in the top lane and became a support, but now Riot aims to ch...
Nidalee Jungle, the death from a farPublished by: LeeNidaHD Updated onNov 24th, 2016 2 Votes [25.05] 📓The Bible of Jungling Shaco - WHITE CROW's Sexy GuidePublished by: White Cr0w Updated onMar 10th, 2025 2,609 Votes Vapora Dark In-Depth ADC Twitch Guide Season 11Published by: ...