On the other hand, if the enemy has a Darius top lane, Alistar support, and Maokai in the jungle, you're almost certainly better off picking Rhaast. Don't worry too much if you accidentally end up attacking more melee champions, but want to be become the Shadow Assassin – the second ...
The "Crystal Vanguard" is currently languishing with a 0.9% pickrate and a 48% win-rate, making him a poor Jungle choice currently. This new rework will see Skarner gain a new Passive and rework several of his abilities. Hopefully these changes will make him a more popular and versatile...
Ivern is known for his peaceful jungling. His passive allows him to farm jungle monsters without getting hurt or hurting them. Ivern can also share the buffs he gets from theRed Bramblebackor theBlue Sentinelto his allies. Ivern also creates bushes that hides allies while limiting enemy vision...
Blue Kayn: Q bonus AD ratio increased from 0.8 to 0.85. Lux: Increased Passive AP Ratio (25% to 30%) and Q AP Ratio (60% to 65%). Nasus: Passive Life Steal increased from 11/16/21% to 12/18/24%, and Q Base Damage increased from 30-110 to 40-120. Olaf (Jungle): New Q ...