The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Aurora are Kai'Sa, Jinx, and Ezreal. # Win Pick Game 1 51.75% 5.65% 1114 2 52.67% 3.05% 600 3 51.20% 5.29% 1042 4 51.68% 2.87% 566 5 52.83% 1.08% 212 6 53.02% 0.92% 182 7 51.01% ...
Jinx’s best Speed Gold farming build Like inLeague of Legends,Teamfight Tactics, and more, there areoptimal buildpaths you can aim for to get the most out of your character. While there is some RNG involved in terms of which augments to go for, these are the optimalweapon choicesfor Jin...
Yone Support Synergy The 3 best Support Synergy picks good with Yone are Nami, Rell, and Alistar. # Win Pick Game 1 57.59% 1.92% 224 2 56.78% 2.02% 236 3 60.82% 1.15% 134 4 52.94% 2.92% 340 5 56.58% 1.30% 152 6 52.86%
Senna, The Redeemer is an amazing Wild Rift champion that can be played in a couple of different roles - she can be a support, or she can be a marksman.
Jinx is everywhere in Runeterra’s franchise right now. Image via Riot Games Jinxhas gotten a pretty good amount of attention over the past few years, hasn’t she? The Loose Cannon of Zaun has gone fromLeagueto the big screen in Netflix’s hit animated seriesArcaneto now joining the firs...
Gold AccountGold Profile Trim, Gold Loading Screen Border, Victorious Ward Skin, Victorious Champion Skin, Honor Ward SkinDarius (Top), Riven (Top), Volibear (Jungle), Nunu & Willump (Jungle), Zilean (Mid), Vel’Koz (Mid), Jinx (Bot), Sivir (Bot), Nami (Support), Taric (Support) ...
down to other tiers as well. He's got great trade power, excellent all-in and overall feels good to play now that people have gotten the hang of his kit. Meanwhile, Lee Sin is in his popular AND powerful arc so banning him out this time around is probably in you best interests. ....
League of Legends Best Dragon Soul Which Is Best? LoL Best Mid Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Jungle Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Support Players In The World Right Now LoL Best Carry Players In The World Right Now ...
Best Characters (with winrate) Aphelios (68%) Xayah (74%) Jinx (73%) Despite only having 3 years of pro-play experience, Gumayusi has managed to win multiple major tournaments, some of them are listed down below. Major Tournament Achievements ...
Janna, as usual, is the best companion for a rather passive ADC, who wants to farm up in order to becoming a destruction machine in the lane game – with Tristana and Jinx being the two best examples. With a really straightforward kit, she is an ideal champion for players j...