Meanwhile, Bond begins romancing NSA agent Jinx (Halle Berry) as he uncovers a scheme concocted by Zao and British millionaire Graves (Toby Stephens), involving a highly destructive laser. Released: 2002 Directed by: Lee Tamahori Also ranks #1 on The 15 Most Inaccurate Science Fiction Movies...
Truly down on his luck, lonely single guy Bernie Lootz (William H. Macy) works at a Las Vegas casino, where he uses his innate ability to bring about misfortune in those around him to jinx gamblers into losing. His imposing boss, Shelly Kaplow (Alec Baldwin), is happy with th...
Piltover is experimenting with cutting-edge magical advancements. As the class war simmers, numerous tragedies and a major quarrel lead two Zaunite sisters, Vi and Jinx, to go their separate ways. However, after Jinx is adopted by a crime boss, her theft ...
Arcanedelves into the origins of some of the game’s iconic characters. The story is set in the twin cities of Zaun and Piltover, and it follows two main characters: Vi and Jinx. At its core, it is a tale of two sisters’ discord, underpinned by the themes...
–Jinx–Twitch–Vayne Toughest support matchups for Lulu –Zyra–Leona–Sona–Braum–Taric Nami The surge is coming. Image via Riot Games Last but not least, we have Nami, a true Enchanter support. Thanks to her versatile kit, she’s an all-round great pick for numerous matches. Na...
Brandon Jenkins Get Email @brandonjinx 65.3K Host of The Complex Show and writer for Complex and GQ, covering rap culture and the industry. Jayson Rodriguez Get Email @jaysonrodriguez Senior editor at MTV News, documenting the careers of major hip-hop artist...
The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Aurora are Kai'Sa, Jinx, and Ezreal. # Win Pick Game 1 51.75% 5.65% 1114 2 52.67% 3.05% 600 3 51.20% 5.29% 1042 4 51.68% 2.87% 566 5 52.83% 1.08% 212 6 53.02% 0.92% 182 7 51.01% ...
Even if you've never played League of Legends, you're still going to be absolutely obsessed with Arcane. The show follows sisters Vi and Jinx as they take part in the war that pits the rich and powerful citizens of Piltover versus anyone who stands in their way. ...
The 3 best ADC Synergy picks good with Gwen are Jinx, Kai'Sa, and Jhin. # Win Pick Game 1 54.33% 3.42% 208 2 51.38% 5.37% 326 3 52.37% 3.13% 190 4 53.08% 2.40% 146 5 51.97% 2.50% 152 6 52.42% 2.04% 124 7 56.25%
it should be noted – likely puts up a barrier for some viewers (I get it), but the very human story of sisters Jinx and Vi (brought to life byElla PurnellandHailee Steinfeld) torn apart by a class struggle in a futuristic steampunk-influenced world will reward anyone who ventures out ...