kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-loki-secret \--namespace=loki \--docker-server=uhub.service.ucloud.cn/ucloud_pts \--docker-username='xxxxxx'\--docker-password='xxxxxx' 4. 添加 Helm仓库 这里选用prometheus-community提供的chart仓库 helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/...
[loki-distributed] Mount /var/loki to emptyDir in tableManager #1953 [loki-distributed] Mount /var/loki to emptyDir in tableManager #1968 patsevanton commented on Jan 30, 2023 patsevanton on Jan 30, 2023 Contributor @qdupuy Try latest version helm chart AurimasNav commented on Jun 15...
[root@master ~]# helm search repo | grep loki #在仓库中搜索可用的helm的charts grafana/loki 5.36.3 2.9.2 Helm chart for Grafana Loki in simple, scalable... grafana/loki-canary 0.14.0 2.9.1 Helm chart for Grafana Loki Canary grafana/loki-distributed 0.76.1 2.9.2 Helm chart for Grafana ...
使用Helm Chart 的方式来安装微服务模式的 Loki,在安装之前记得将之前安装的 Loki 相关服务删除。 首先获取微服务模式的 Chart 包: $helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts$helm pull grafana/loki-distributed --untar --version 0.48.4$cdloki-simple-scalable 该Chart 包支持下表中显示...
grafana/loki-distributed0. chartforGrafana Lokiinmicroservicesmodegrafana/loki-simple-scalable1. chartforGrafana Lokiinsimple,scalable...grafana/loki-stack2.9.11v2.6.1Loki:likePrometheus,butforlogs.#下载最后一个堆栈类型,包含了各日志工具 ...
首先获取微服务模式的 Chart 包: 复制 $helmrepoaddgrafanahttps://grafana.github.io/helm-charts$helmpullgrafana/loki-distributed--untar--version0.48.4$cdloki-simple-scalable 1. 2. 3. 该Chart 包支持下表中显示的组件,Ingester、distributor、querier 和 query-frontend 组件是始终安装的,其他组件是可选的...
Describe the bug: We have deployed the loki-distributed helm chart. All in all it works, but we regularly get Failed fallback ping: read tcp i/o timeout messages and wonder what this could be and if we should worry about it. Environment:...
Step 1: Add Loki Helm repository Before installing the Loki Helm Chart, you need to add the Loki Helm repository to your local Helm setup. Run the following command: helm repoaddloki 1. Step 2: Update Helm repositories Next, update the Helm repositories to fetch the latest versions of cha...
Migrate from `loki-distributed` Helm chart Docs Configure the Loki data source Related resources from Grafana Labs Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: 7 Jan Getting started with logging and Grafana Loki See a demo of the updated features in Loki, and how to create metrics from...
root@tjdata05:~# helm search repo loki NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION grafana/loki 2.12.2 v2.5.0 Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs. grafana/loki-canary 0.8.1 2.5.0 Helm chart for Grafana Loki Canary grafana/loki-distributed 0.49.0 2.5.0 Helm chart for Grafana Loki in micr...