you can get the button numbers from logitech log window. When you click a mouse button, the log will promptevent = MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED, arg = X, X is the button number. there are 6 weapon types. if you have a logitech mouse with less than 6 buttons, map unused buttons/weapons ton...
logitech-pubg 绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse 风险自负。 logitech gaming software过去没有触发过任何Ban wave,但过去没有,不代表将来也没有。 更新说明 2018-2-28 5, 7, 8键分别对应M16A4, M416, AKM
if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg ==1 ) then repeat PressMouseButton(1) Sleep(20) ReleaseMouseButton(1) until not IsMouseButtonPressed (1) end 白羽路 12-12 53 留个记录 DGlamo 白羽路 12-12 72 [求学]PUGB压枪宏自学日记. _秋秋秋YanDex 白羽路 12-12 308 PUBG...
Customize the script settings as needed. Make sure your mouse DPI is set to 1700 for optimal performance. Launch the supported game and use the script as described in the script's documentation. Customization You can customize the script settings by modifying the variables in the script file. ...
@@ -41,64 +41,52 @@ PUBG no-recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse - Ctrl + S to save. - 下载并安装`logitech gaming software`。 - LGS下载地址 : - 点击pubg,选择编写脚本。 已经一整...
绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse deprecated still safe. still useless. recoil table maybe outdated. can find new recoil table in other fork ,THANK ALL. 2018.2.1 现已停止维护。 不要想太多,只是觉得这个东西没什么用了。作者(liantian-cn)已经一整个赛季没有使用...
logitech-pubg 绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse deprecated still safe. still useless. recoil table maybe outdated. can find new recoil table in otherfork,THANK ALL. 2018.2.1 现已停止维护。 不要想太多,只是觉得这个东西没什么用了。
PUBG no-recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse 绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 manual (English translation helped by Siming) 使用说明 AT YOUR OWN RISK logitech gaming software never triggered any banwaves in the past, but this doesn't mean there won't be any banwaves in the future. ChangeLog 2017.12.23...
绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse deprecated still safe. still useless. recoil table maybe outdated. can find new recoil table in other fork ,THANK ALL. 2018.2.1 现已停止维护。 不要想太多,只是觉得这个东西没什么用了。作者(liantian-cn)已经一整个赛季没有使用...