You should always assign a button to cancel the recoil macro.set_off_key 2. Set the fire key and the mode switch key. unset theFirebinding in game from your mouse left button, and set it toPausekey. This needs to be consistent between the script and the game setting. When themode sw...
绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse 风险自负。 logitech gaming software过去没有触发过任何Ban wave,但过去没有,不代表将来也没有。 更新说明 2018-2-28 5, 7, 8键分别对应M16A4, M416, AKM ScrollLock控制是否自动开关单倍瞄准镜 ...
You should always assign a button to cancel the recoil macro.set_off_key 2. Set the fire key and the mode switch key. unset theFirebinding in game from your mouse left button, and set it toPausekey. This needs to be consistent between the script and the game setting. When themode sw...
unset the Fire binding in game from your mouse left button, and set it to Pause key. This needs to be consistent between the script and the game setting. When the mode switch key is pressed, recoil is magnified by 3-4x, consistent with 4x scope mode. By default in the script , fire...
绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse deprecated still safe. still useless. recoil table maybe outdated. can find new recoil table in other fork ,THANK ALL. 2018.2.1 现已停止维护。 不要想太多,只是觉得这个东西没什么用了。作者(liantian-cn)已经一整个赛季没有使用...
绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse deprecated still safe. still useless. recoil table maybe outdated. can find new recoil table in other fork ,THANK ALL. 2018.2.1 现已停止维护。 不要想太多,只是觉得这个东西没什么用了。作者(liantian-cn)已经一整个赛季没有使用...
绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 PUBG recoil control script for Logitech gaming mouse deprecated still safe. still useless. recoil table maybe outdated. can find new recoil table in other fork ,THANK ALL. 2018.2.1 现已停止维护。 不要想太多,只是觉得这个东西没什么用了。作者(liantian-cn)已经一整个赛季没有使用...
PUBG no-recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse 绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 manual (English translation part comes from google) 使用说明 AY YOUR OWN RISK logitech gaming software never got banwave in the past,but does not mean that there is no future. ChangeLog 2017.10.18 Correct the logic of the sus...
PUBG no-recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse 绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 manual (English translation part comes from google) 使用说明 AT YOUR OWN RISK logitech gaming software never got banwave in the past,but does not mean that there is no future. ChangeLog 2017.10.18 Correct the logic of the sus...
PUBG no-recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse 绝地求生罗技鼠标宏 manual (English translation part comes from google) 使用说明 AT YOUR OWN RISK logitech gaming software never got banwave in the past,but does not mean that there is no future. ChangeLog 2017.10.18 Correct the logic of the sus...