logical fallacies are wrong and, simply put, dishonest if you use them knowingly. Second, they take away from the strength of your argument. Finally, the use of logical fallacies can make your readers feel that you do not consider them to be very intelligent." ...
常见的24条逻辑谬论(24commonlogicalfallacy) JustasCarlJungandFreuddiverged,theydidnotwanttobe impregnablefortress,buttheultimatetruth Thecommunicationofanypersonisnotfordefeatingeachother 24commonlogicalfallacies Catalog Item1:Scarecrow Second:errorattribution Third:appealtofeelings Fourth:fallacy Fifth:landslidefalla...
Ad hominem fallacies can take many forms, from personal attacks to character assassination. Some common examples of ad hominem attacks include name-calling, ridicule, and questioning the credibility or personal characteristics of the person making the argument. ...
Definition and explanation: Latin for “to the person,” the ad hominem fallacy is a personal attack. Essentially, instead of addressing the substance of an argument, someone is attempting to discredit the argument by attacking the source. The ad hominem is one of the most common logical fall...
My error in reasoning here is an example of a logical fallacy. While logical fallacies are often used to persuade others, there can be instances–such as this one–where you actually persuade yourself. A logical fallacy is a common error in reasoning that often occurs in teaching environments,...
Attacking your opponent’s character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument. Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or casting doubt on their character. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone without actually engaging with th...
LogicalFallacies 错误的推理 精选2021版课件 11-1BS彭秀秀1 EightTypesofFallacy Dictosimpliciter绝对判断 Hastygeneralization草率结论 Posthoc牵强附会 精选2021版课件 2 Contradictorypremises矛盾前提 Admisericordiam文不对题 Falseanalogy错误类比 Hypothesiscontrarytofact 与事实相反的假设 Poisoningthewell井下放毒 精选...
Personal Attack (Argumentum Ad Hominem, literally, “argument toward the man.” Also called “Poisoning the Well”): Attacking or praising the people who make an argument, rather than discussing the argument itself. This practice is fallacious because the personal character of an individual is log...
Discover logical fallacies in everyday arguments with our list of common fallacies. Test your knowledge with our engaging quiz and learn how to avoid common pitfalls in reasoning.
Personal attack instead of attacking the opponent's argument. Argument from ignorance Filling gaps in knowledge with a specific idea. Argument to middle ground, aka false compromise, aka gray fallacy Declaring the middle point between two false extremes must be true. ...