ES2021 引入了逻辑运算符||、&&和??的赋值运算符简写。以前,这仅允许用于数学运算,例如+或*(参见规则operator-assignment)。如果赋值目标和逻辑表达式的左表达式相同,则可以使用简写。例如a = a || b可以缩短为a ||= b。 #规则详情 此规则要求或禁止逻辑赋值运算符简写。
新的Logical Assignment Operators 提案来自于 Ruby 语言,旨在不影响可读性的情况下尽可能最小化代码量,上面的代码可以写成: foo ||= bar 该提案在 2018-03-22 的 TC39 会议上进入 Stage 1。 相关链接 Logical Assignment Operators 提案:tc39-transfer/proposal-logical-assignment 进入Stage 1 的 Commit:Logica...
Assignment Operators Used to assign values to signals, variables and constants. <= Used to assign a value to a Signal := Used to assign a value to a variable, constant, or Generic Must be the same size and type => Used to assign values to individual vector elements or with OTHERS. 9/...
必应词典为您提供Shift-and-Logical-Operators的释义,网络释义: 位元逻辑运算子;移位和逻辑运算符号;位逻辑运算符;
The Swift Programming Language--Basic Operators Basic Operators Assignment Operator let (x, y) = (1, 2) Arithmetic Operators let str = "Hello" + "World" // '+' operator Remainder Operator. The sign of b is ignored for negative v......
Equality Operators: == and != C++ Bitwise Operators Bitwise AND Operator: & Bitwise Exclusive OR Operator: ^ Bitwise Inclusive OR Operator: | C++ Logical Operators Logical AND Operator: && Logical OR Operator: || Assignment Operators: =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=,...
Logical AND assignment short-circuits as well meaning thatx &&= yis equivalent to: x && (x = y); And not equivalent to the following which would always perform an assignment: x = x && y; Examples let x = 0; let y = 1; x &&= 0; // 0 x &&= 1; // 0 y &&= 1; // 1...
Note: The relational operator == is not the same as the assignment operator =. The assignment operator = assigns a value to a variable, constant, array, or vector. It does not compare two operands.!= OperatorThe not equal to != operator returns...
'logical-assignment-operators': ['error', 'always', { enforceForIfStatements: true }], 'default-case-last': 'error', 'dot-notation': 'error', 'eqeqeq': ['error', 'smart'], 12 changes: 3 additions & 9 deletions 12 lib/_http_agent.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDif...
This example is simple, but it illustrates how logical operators can be used to make decisions in Siebel eScript.CAUTION: Remember that the assignment operator, =, is different from the equality operator, ==. If you use the assignment operator when you want to test for equality, your script...