Logical AND assignment short-circuits as well meaning thatx &&= yis equivalent to: x && (x = y); And not equivalent to the following which would always perform an assignment: x = x && y; Examples let x = 0; let y = 1; x &&= 0; // 0 x &&= 1; // 0 y &&= 1; // 1...
refs https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Logical_OR_assignment https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Expressions_and_Operators ©xgqfrms 2012-2020 www.cnblogs.com/xgqfrms 发布文章使用:只允许注册用户才可以访问! 原创文章,版权所有©️...
ES2021 引入了逻辑运算符||、&&和??的赋值运算符简写。以前,这仅允许用于数学运算,例如+或*(参见规则operator-assignment)。如果赋值目标和逻辑表达式的左表达式相同,则可以使用简写。例如a = a || b可以缩短为a ||= b。 #规则详情 此规则要求或禁止逻辑赋值运算符简写。
Logical nullish assignment short-circuits as well meaning thatx ??= yis equivalent to: x ?? (x = y); And not equivalent to the following which would always perform an assignment: x = x ?? y; Examples Using logical nullish assignment ...
Note: In JavaScript, == is a comparison operator, whereas = is an assignment operator. If you mistakenly use = instead of ==, you might get unexpected results.2. Not Equal To OperatorThe not equal to operator != evaluates totrue if the values of the operands aren't equal. false if ...
Bitwise operators Comma operator Comparison operators Conditional (ternary) Operator Destructuring assignment Expression closures Generator comprehensions Grouping operator Legacy generator function expression Logical Operators Object initializer Operator precedence Property accessors Spread syntax class expression delete ...
VSCode Version: 1.48.2 OS Version: Windows 10, Build 19041 Steps to Reproduce: In a JavaScript code file try to assign a variable using one of the logical assignment variables: u ||= prompt('Enter something...', 0); Rather than this: u =...
The&,|, and^operators support compound assignment, as the following example shows: C# booltest =true; test &=false; Console.WriteLine(test);// output: Falsetest |=true; Console.WriteLine(test);// output: Truetest ^=false; Console.WriteLine(test);// output: True ...
See discussion of short-circuit semantics in#3. It also highlights differences already present in mathematical assignment operators in code likeobj.deep[key++] += 1vsobj.deep[key] = obj.deep[key++] + 1. Related Ruby's logical operators ...
新的Logical Assignment Operators 提案来自于 Ruby 语言,旨在不影响可读性的情况下尽可能最小化代码量,上面的代码可以写成: foo ||= bar 该提案在 2018-03-22 的 TC39 会议上进入 Stage 1。 相关链接 Logical Assignment Operators 提案:tc39-transfer/proposal-logical-assignment 进入Stage 1 的 Commit:Logica...