但Grice想要讨论的是非约定俗成的言外之意,会话中产生的言外之意,即会话含义(conversational implicature)。 Grice假设,对话中的人都是理性的,相互合作并且带有共同会话目标的,为了使对话更有效地进行,信息更有效地交换,说话人需要遵守合作原则(Cooperative Principle,CP),即“按照要求、在特定的阶段、通过对话中公认的...
Paul Grice - Logic and Conversation 下载积分: 900 内容提示: Chapter 32Logic and ConversationH. P. GriceIt is a commonplace of philosophical logic that there are, or appear to be,divergences in meaning between, on the one hand, at least some of what I shallcall the formal devices—@;5;...
免费在线预览全文 Translation of Logic and Conversation Paul Grice It is a commonplace of philosophical logic that there are, or appear to be, divergences in meaning between, on the one hand, at least some of what I shall call the formal devices— ~, L, V,é, (x), ($x), (ix) (...
Grice, H. Paul,Logic and Conversation. S. 145- 180. ( Reader: G 4 Pragmatics, Anita Fetzer) Note: 1,0 Comment: Your presentation is very well researched and very well structured. The introduction to the topic is extremely good, there are flashes of original thinking. ...
. Grice himself made a number of such visits, and was impressed by the formal and theory-driven philosophy he encountered. Most of all he was impressed by the work of Noam Chomsky. Chapman, S. (2005). Logic and Conversation. In: Paul Grice, Philosopher and Linguist. Palgrave Macmillan, ...
待分类 > 待分类 > Logic and Conversation (Grice) 打印 转格式 1012阅读文档大小:2.37M19页edwardcyd上传于2015-04-05格式:PDF
适合人群:对装修行业非常了解、有充裕的时间和材料采购能力的内行人士。优势:自由度大甲旅殿骤丫谐哨 Logic and Conversation (Grice)英文资料 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:19 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:新起点 文件大小:0 KB 时间:2015-11-09...
Grice, H. P. (1975). “Logic and Conversation”. In Speech Acts [Syntax and Semantics 3], Peter Cole and Jerry Morgan (eds), 41-58. New York: Academic Press. has been cited by the following article: Article 1Mazoon University College (Affiliated with Missouri University of Science and...
Paul Grice on Implicature as a starting point, and gives an account of their interface as an example of the relationship between Chomsky's "Internalist Semantics and Language Performance". Atlas then discusses consequences of his theory of the Interface for the distinction between metaphorical and ...