Explore logarithms. Learn the definition of a logarithm and understand how it works. Discover interesting logarithm examples and find how they are...
In this article math, we are going to learn the definition of natural logarithms, what are the Key Differences Between Log and Ln, and Logarithmic Arithmetic Is Not Normal with solved examples. What is the natural logarithm? A natural logarithm is defined as a logarithm with base e. Log ...
Logarithms are the inverse process of writing exponentiation. Visit BYJU'S to learn logarithms properties, definition, and examples in detail.
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Examples In the simplest case, the logarithm of an unknown number equals another number: logx=y Raise both sides to exponents of 10, and you get 10logx=10y Since 10(log x)is simplyx, the equation becomes x=10y When all the terms in the equation are logarithms, raising both si...
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