Google conveys a lot of information with a very rough scale (1-10).Measurement Scale: Richter, Decibel, etc.Sigh. We're at the typical "logarithms in the real world" example: Richter scale and Decibel. The idea is to put events which can vary drastically (earthquakes) on a single scale...
Logs in the Real World How do you use logarithms in the real world? Like most things that we are taught in math, most people would not be able to answer this question. Though many people have no clue how to use a logarithm in the real world or have ever needed to use one, there ...
Much of the math I learned in high school and college lies dormant. But when I sat down to come up with examples of using math skills on the job, I was surprised to find quite a few. I want to share some of the mathematical concepts I've used lately in real-world situations. Algeb...
In this vibrant work, which is ideal for both teaching and learning, Apoorva Khare and Anna Lachowska explain the mathematics essential for understanding and appreciating our quantitative world. They show with examples that mathematics is a key tool in the creation and appreciation of art, music,...
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Experiment 7 - Bi-directional Control Of Motors And The H-Bridge the board H-Bridge basics turning on the brakes types of switches used the MOSFET enhancement mode conductivity the 555 timer/oscillator RC time constants logarithms base e
The growth model using logarithms. The Miracle of Compounding When Albert Einstein was asked the most important concept he had learned during his life, he immediately said “compounding.” Not statistical mechanics. Not quantum theory. Not relativity. Compounding. Suppose that you invest $1,000 at...
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Our numerical examples suggest that with the aim of valuing a gas-fired power plant, non-linear models with stochastic volatility, specifically for logarithms of electricity prices, provide better out-of-sample forecasts. Among a comprehensive scope of mitigation measures for climate change, CO2 ...
What cannot be denied, however, is the great potential and power of quantum computing. This is what drives researchers around the world to develop new algorithms for machines that we cannot be sure will ever come to existence. The praised quantum speedup of many famous algorithms comes from ...