很简单, 使学生的话就去大学学生服务部去找免费服务。E tax 对于挣工资的来说很简单,但要是做买卖的有商务号就比较麻烦,去找 街头的accountant for tax. 不明白就去TAX office 有人指导。记住第一次要备好Tax file number, and other ID , 如果是要结算退税可选择银行账户,支票转存, 记得...
returns, complete workpapers and SPFRs. The ATO pre fill works really well with tax forms. We did have some additional work when moving over but most compliance jobs have been reduce by over 50% in year 2. Would recommend to any firm looking to make the switch to a cloud tax platform...
servicestax(GST)return,noticeorotherdocumentrequiredby theTaxOffice,onorbytheduedate. WHENDOESTHEPENALTYAPPLY? Thepenaltyapplieswhenyoulodgeadocumentafterthe duedate.Thepenaltywillalsoapplyifyoudon’tlodgethe document.Apenaltynotice,issuedseparatelyfromanyother ...