A lodgment deferral extends the due date for lodging a document, giving you extra time to lodge without getting stuck with a failure to lodge on time (FTL) penalty. According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), you can apply for an ATO extension of time to lodge tax return if there...
→ 点击Lodge online with myTax 就可以自己报税啦~ 电脑、iPAD、手机都可以使用 手机还能下载APP直接操作 通过myTax纳税的优势在于: 系统已经含有大部分申报信息,可节省时间 随时可以登录网站递交报税申请 与纸质报税表需要10周时间相比,myTax退税到账只需约2周 税务扣减数据可以预先上传 网上自助报税流程 一、注册...
We know the outages this week have caused inconvenience, especially so close to Christmas, and I apologise for that. I’d like to thank our clients and partners, in particular tax and BAS agents, for their patience and understanding. As we return to normal operations next week, we will be...
We know the outages this week have caused inconvenience, especially so close to Christmas, and I apologise for that. I’d like to thank our clients and partners, in particular tax and BAS agents, for their patience and understanding. As we return to normal operations next week, we will be...