lodash-es 最小化引入 lodash-es模块化json文章分类代码人生 1.网址 https://www.npmjs.com/package/lodash-es 2、使用 lodash-es 是着具备 ES6 模块化的版本,只需要直接引入就可以。 import {isEmpty,forIn, cloneDeep} from 'lodash-es' tree-shaking的作用,即移除上下文中未引用的代码(dead code) 只有当...
In nodejs 12 with the "--experimental-modules", es (es6/esm) modules can be loaded. But for that to work, for the file to be considered by nodejs as a esm module, by either end in .mjs or because its package.json must specify "type: module". Since lodash-es is specifically an...
import {isEmpty,forIn, cloneDeep} from 'lodash-es' tree-shaking的作用,即移除上下文中未引用的代码(dead code) 只有当函数给定输入后,产生相应的输出,且不修改任何外部的东西,才可以安全做shaking的操作 如何使用tree-shaking? 1).确保代码是es6格式,即 export,import 2).package.json中,设置sideEffects 3)....
Add type: module to allow loading in nodejs with --experimental-modules#4292 Merged phistuckchanged the titletype: module in package.json breaks npm install with some NPM versionsJul 10, 2019 jdaltonclosed this ascompletedJul 10, 2019
import {isEmpty,forIn, cloneDeep} from 'lodash-es'tree-shaking的作⽤,即移除上下⽂中未引⽤的代码(dead code)只有当函数给定输⼊后,产⽣相应的输出,且不修改任何外部的东西,才可以安全做shaking的操作如何使⽤tree-shaking?1).确保代码是es6格式,即 export,import 2).package.json中,设置...
1.网址 https://.npmjs./package/lodash-es2、使用lodash-es是着具备ES6 模块化的版本,只需要直接引入就可以。 import {isEmpty,forIn, cloneDeep} from 'lodash-es' tree-shakin lodash-es 模块化 json ide 转载 mb5fe55b6d43deb 2020-10-26 21:58:00 ...
my package.json {"name":"hrconnex","version":"0.0.0","scripts":{"ng":"ng","start":"ng serve","build":"ng build --prod --localize","test":"ng test","lint":"ng lint","e2e":"ng e2e","int:extract":"ng extract-i18n --output-path projects/elements/src/local...
JSON.stringifyhas 30% chance to replace allIintol. Date.getTime()always gives the result off by 1 hour late. localStorage.getItemhas 5% chance to return empty string. The possible range ofMath.random()is changed to0-1.1. Disclaimer: Do not use for any project! If it causes any problems...
require() of ES modules is not supported. require() of C:\kit\node_modules\lodash-es\lodash.js from C:\kit\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e9a16784.js is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" whi...
For example, es-toolkit’s omit function is about 11.8 times faster than lodash’s omit function. Here’s a table comparing the performance of es-toolkit and lodash-es for various functions: Functiones-toolkit@0.0.1lodash-es@4.17.21Difference omit 4,767,360 times 403,624 times 11.8× pick...