check isFunction的不是value本身, 而是value.valueOf, 需要了解Object.prototype.valueOf 这个built-in的方法, 默认对于Object而言是返回Object本身的, Function是继承了Object的, 而String, Number等都是有所定制的, 会反回对应的primitive值. 所以这里是check传入对象是否有valueOf这个方法(你可以给自己的定义的类型...
* @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if `value` is suitable, else `false`.*///判断一个值是否合适作为一个唯一的对象key//如果这个值是String或者Number或者Symbol或者Boolean值,且不是__proto__,就可以作为一个唯一的键//如果这个值不是以上四种类型,但是它...
是否为对象 (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes,new Number(0), andnew String('')) functionisObject(value) {vartype =typeofvalue;return!!value && (type =='object'|| type =='function'); } 实际上判断!!value排除掉了null和NaN两种特殊值, 有可能会疑问,type == 'function',函数是对...
isFunction.js isLength.js isMap.js isMatch.js isMatchWith.js isNative.js isNil.js isNull.js isNumber.js isObject.js isObjectLike.js isPlainObject.js isRegExp.js isSet.js isString.js isSymbol.js isTypedArray.js isUndefined.js isWeakMap.js isWeakSet.js kebab...
_.isSafeInteger _.isSet _.isString _.isSymbol _.isTypedArray _.isUndefined _.isWeakMap _.isWeakSet _.lte _.toArray _.toFinite _.toInteger _.toLength _.toNumber _.toPlainObject _.toSafeInteger _.toString Math _.add _.ceil _.divide _.floor _.max _.maxBy _.mean _.mean...
(, this.address, contract, amount + "", data, gasLimit, ethereum.toWei(gasPrice, "gwei"),{ ios: nonce, android: nonce + "" }), chainID, broadcast, pwd ); if (broadcast) { if (_.isString(result.nonce)) { result.nonce = parseInt(result.nonce); } if...
Fixed argument order of fp/bind, fp/bindKey, & fp/isEqualWith Fixed aliases fp/all, fp/any, & fp/anyPass Made _.result resolve values of functions as it deep crawls over themMemoized stringToPath Optimized _.pad, _.padEnd, _.padStart, & _.toNumber ...
Module formats lodash is also available in a variety of other builds & module formats. npm packages formodern,compatibility, &per methodbuilds Further Reading API Documentation Build Differences Changelog Roadmap More Resources Features Support
基本类型值指的是那些保存在栈内存中的简单数据段,即这种值是完全保存在内存中的一个位置。包含Number,String,Boolean,Null,Undefined ,Symbol。 基本数据类型是按照数值来引用,且也是按值来比较,所以拷贝一个基本数据类型的话,只需要拷贝它的数值。 vara=2;varb=a;a=3;console.log(a,b);//3,2 ...
452 fp.notEquals('string', 'number'); 453 // => true 454 fp.notEquals(1, 2); 455 // => true 456 })(); 457 ``` 458 459 ### isVal 460 461 **alias:** isPrimitive 462 463 Check agument is primitive type. ...