最近遇到了另一台电脑上检测不到这一台电脑上的 LocalSend 的问题,仔细一看,可以看到显示的【Offline】标识,而且界面下方会弹出错误窗口(不过马上就会消失) SocketException:Failed to create server socket(OS Error: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.,ermo ...
在DOS年代,系统中的硬件设备必须通过Confis.sys和Autoexec.bat两个配置文件 分享26赞 zoom会议吧 DAJIANGYILANG ZOOM录制时本地记录无法转换及本地记录转换失败的原因#ZOOM故障排除# #ZOOM视频录制# LocalRecording Fails To Convert Reasons for Failed Local Recording Conversion 本地记录无法转换 本地记录转换失败的...
and i need to create a another struct like the example you linked? structhostent *phe = gethostbyname(ac); Jun 26, 2013 at 7:01pm beginner123(220) also by sending the host name how does that send the ip address? i want to send the ip address of the computer to the web host so...