daidaiworm changed the title Bug report: [500] Internal Server Error, can't send file to PC [BUG] [500] Internal Server Error, can't send file to PC May 31, 2023 Author daidaiworm commented Jun 3, 2023 Tried the latest version 1.10.0, both portable and msix version failed rece...
@internal Future<void> setupHttpUploadIsolate( Stream<SendToIsolateData<IsolateTask<BaseHttpUploadTask>>> receiveFromMain, void Function(IsolateTaskStreamResult<double>) sendToMain, InitialData initialData, ) async { await setupChildIsolateHelper( debugLabel: 'HttpUploadIsolate', receiveFromMain: recei...
(copy from host hosts file)", "Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file", "Starting Container", "Hostname is bcau", "PublicDnsName is bcau", "Using NavUserPassword Authentication", "Starting Local SQL Server", "Starting Internet Information Server", "...
log.Printf("Error pinging room %s for active entries %+v: %s", roomId, entries, err) } }(roomId, urls[u], e) } } return count, &wg } func (h *Hub) getRoomForBackend(id string, backend *Backend) *Room { internalRoomId := getRoomIdForBackend(id, backend) @@ -1735,6 +1...