Issue Type: Bug Report Ansible Version: ansible 1.9.2 configured module search path = None Ansible Configuration: # /etc/ansible/hosts localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2 Environment: Archlinux ...
> When running a simple playbook that uses the* module(i've > tested some, not all) it always fails on runtime, I'm using > WSL1 on Windows 10, so I imagine it is because it is recognizing localhost > as the wsl virtual machine and not my windows ...
RUN ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml WORKDIR /awx/awxcompose CMD ["docker-compose up"] the inventory: localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter="/usr/bin/env python" [all:vars] dockerhub_base=ansible awx_task_hostname=awx awx_web_hostname=awxweb postgres_data_dir=...
...hosts:localhost:vars:ansible_connection:localansible_python_interpreter:"{{ansible_playbook_python}}" This ensures that the proper connection and Python are used to execute your tasks locally. You can override the built-in implicit version by creating alocalhosthost entry in your inventory. At...
而Ansiblelocalhost则是Ansible的一种特殊用法,用来代表本地主机。 在实际工作中,我们经常会遇到需要在本地主机上执行一些特定的任务,比如配置文件的修改、软件的安装、服务的管理等。而Ansiblelocalhost给了我们一个快速且一致的方式来完成这些任务,无需编写复杂...
Ansible概要 localhost变量主机ansibledebug 宅蓝三木2024-10-09 检验清单是否正确。-i用于指定清单文件,all和master是被管理节点的模式(pattern)。 20510 Ping localhost 结果为 ::1,导致网络通讯故障 调试ipv6localhostpingprefix 是小北a2024-08-23 由于需要在本地调试一个项目,安装了 小皮面板(phpstudy_pro) 调试...
Docker容器localhost中的Jupyter notebook不工作 首先从localhost上的基映像查找docker 无法连接到localhost上的rails docker容器 Docker-使用python命令处理程序组合 使用ansible启动带有卷组合列表的Docker containers 添加单个docker容器组合为docker swarm的服务 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 ...
1、Xshell 5为了方便管理操作服务器,这里采用 xshell 5 来连接服务器,使用ssh证书,端口号 22,对于购买的与主机需要开放相应的端口。 如下是连接成功的提示:[c:\~]$ open Connecting to Connection established. To escape to local shell, press 'Ctr ...
Localhost connection issue with Ansible SSH p> I am trying to provison an EC2 instance and to install a LAMP server on it using Ansible from localhost, successfully provisioned the instance, but I was not able to install apache,php and mysql due to this error, > Ansible: Here...
<>(0, 'sftp>put /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-local-32435HXzj7o/tmpjFxUXp /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1550966284.57-6253496643791/\n', '') <>ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root <>ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: root ...