'touch'. If you need to use command because file is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message. changed: [] PLAY RECAP *** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 ...
the ~in ~/.ssh/configis the user's home folder. To open it easily, Press Win-R, type cmdEnter. Command prompt should already open in your home folder. Type cd .sshEnter, and then start . Enterto open the folder in Windows Explorer. C...
Also merged into stable-1.9, so this will be included in 1.9.3. grossmanementioned this issueSep 2, 2015 Ansible requires ssh for localhost even with "--connection=local", "-c local" or "connection: local" in playbook file#12208
If using SSH keys for authentication, you probably do not need to change this setting. Type: boolean Default: False Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: ask_pass Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS DEFAULT_ASK_VAULT_PASS Description: This controls whether an Ansible playbook should ...
# that close the connection after a key failure. Uncomment this line to # disable the Paramiko look for keys function #look_for_keys = False # When using persistent connections with Paramiko, the connection runs in a # background process. If the host doesn't already have a valid SSH key...
-name:ASA Config backuphosts:ASA_devices #inventory文件中定义的ASA设备组gather_facts:falsevars:ansible_ssh_user:"***"#账号密码一般不会写在playbook中,而是以外部参数传进来,这个以后详说。这里写出只是表示该参数为登陆必备参数。ansible_ssh_pass:"***"#同上ansible_connection:network_cli #定义连接方式,...
方式 #become_user=root #定义 become 用户 #become_ask_pass=False #是否定义 become 提示密码 [paramiko_connection] #record_host_keys=False #是否记录主机 key #pty=False #是否开启命令执行伪终端 # paramiko will default to looking for SSH keys initially when trying to # authenticate to remote ...
Connection to10.22.86.72closed. 这样每次链接都需要输入密码,可以将密钥添到密钥列表 [root@Ansible1 ~]# ssh-add -LError connecting to agent: No such fileordirectory [root@Ansible1 ~]# ssh-agent bash[root@Ansible1 ~]# ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsaid_rsa id_rsa.pub id_rsa_test1 id_rsa_te...
- ansible_connection: ssh连接方式,默认是smart,也就是看本地机器是否安装了ssh客户端且支持ControlPersist特性。如果支持,则使用本地的ssh客户端,如果不支持,则使用一个基于python的ssh客户端库paramiko。- ansible_shell_type: ansible认为的远程服务器执行script的shell,默认认为是/bin/sh,当然也可以设置为csh,fish...
hostonly==>default:Forwardingports...default:22=>2200(adapter1)==>default:BootingVM...==>default:Waitingformachinetoboot.Thismaytakeafewminutes...default: SSH address: SSH username:vagrantdefault: SSH auth method:privatekeydefault: Warning:Connectiontimeout.Retrying.....