undo local-user命令用来删除本地用户。 缺省情况下,新创建本地用户的用户级别为0,没有配置服务类型。 命令格式 local-useruser-name{password{cipher|irreversible-cipher}password[old-passwordold-password] |access-limitmax-number|ftp-directorydirectory|idle-timeoutminutes[seconds]|privilegelevellevel|state{block...
缺省情况下,新创建本地用户的用户级别为0,没有配置服务类型。 命令格式 local-user user-name { password { cipher | irreversible-cipher } password [ old-password old-password ] | access-limit max-number | ftp-directory directory | idle-timeout minutes [ seconds ] | privilege level level | state...
"local-user admin privilege level 0" 命令详解 命令含义: local-user admin privilege level 0 是一条用于配置网络设备(如交换机、路由器等)本地用户权限的命令。 该命令指定了名为 admin 的本地用户的权限级别为 0。 使用环境: 该命令通常在支持命令行接口(CLI)的网络设备中使用,如华为、思科等品牌的交...
When I'm trying to add a local-user under aaa, I can only configure the priviliege level 0 - 3 and cannot have level 15. This is the same as trying to add the priviliege level under the vty section as well. Is there a hidden command to enable local-user to be set to privileg...
[HUAWEI-aaa] local-user admin privilege level 15 //配置本地用户admin的级别为15 配置Password认证方式:[HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] authentication-mode password //配置认证方式为password [HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] set authentication password cipher Admin@123 //配置登录密码为Admin@123 [HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4] user ...
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions/Audit_AuditTheUseOfBackupAndRestoreprivilege Audit: Audit the use of Backup and Restore privilege This security setting determines whether to audit the use of all user privileges, including Backup and Restore, when the Audit privilege use...
[Quidway-aaa]local-user admin privilege level 15 ///配置 http 登录名权限 [Quidway-aaa]local-user admin service-type http /// 开启 http 登录服务 [Quidway-aaa]quit /// 退出aaa模式 如果telnet能登录,但console反而不能登录的话,则需在aaa里把要登录的账户赋予权限 ...
noneuser privilege level 3# return [Router2] display current-configuration# sysname Router2# FTP server enable# l2tp domain suffix-separator @# radius scheme system# domain system# local-user adminpassword cipherservice-type telnet terminal华为3COM网络工程师模拟测试题 HuaWei GB0-1833 level 3service...
[translate] aI'm going to watch movies with my sister and brother now 我现在观看电影与我的姐妹和兄弟[translate] alocal-user ccssoft password cipher p@ssw0rd privilege level 15 地方用户ccssoft密码暗号p@ssw0rd权限级别15[translate]