Level of a local AAA user local-user user-name privilege level level User interface: password authentication User interface level user privilege level level STelnet login Authentication mode for SSH users: password authentication Level of a local AAA user local-user user-...
[TEST] user-interface maximum-vty 8 //配置VTY用户界面最大数目为8个 [TEST] user-interface vty 0 7 //进入虚拟终端 [TEST -ui-vty0-7] protocol inbound telnet //用来配置允许登录介入用户的类型 [TEST -ui-vty0-7]user privilege level 15 //设置用户级别。15为管理级 [TEST -ui-vty0-...
The admin-user privilege level command configures a user as an administrator to log in to the device and sets the user privilege level. The undo admin-user privilege level command cancels the default user privilege level. By default, the user privilege level is not specified. Format admin-user...
1. TELNET登录 intvlan1// 进入 VLAN 1 ip address192.168.3.100255.255.255.0// 配置 IP 地址 user-intvty04// 进入虚拟终端 authentication-modepassword(aut password)// 设置口令模式 setauthentication password simple 222 (setaut pass sim222)// 设置口令 user privilege level 3(use priv lev3)// 配...
[*CE6800-ui-vty0-4]user privilege level 3 退出保存后,使用display this查看配置 用户等级说明 LEVEL 0(访问级):可以执行用于网络诊断等功能的命令。包括ping、tracert、telnet等命令,执行该级别命令的结果不能被保存到配置文件中。 LEVEL 1(监控级):可以执行用于系统维护、业务故障诊断等功能的命令。包括debuggin...
[Huawei]user interface vty 0 14 [Huawei ui vty0 14]acl 2000 inbound [Huawei ui vty0 14]user privilege level 3 [Huawei ui vty0 14]authentication mode password Please configure the login password(maximum length 16):huawei Vty 的配置如上所示,用户权限等级被设置为 3 级,这也是可以设置的最高...
[Huawei‐ui‐vty0‐14]user privilege level 3 [Huawei‐ui‐vty0‐14]authentication‐mode password Please configure the login password(maximum length 16):huawei Vty 的配置如上所示,用户权限等级被设置为 3 级,这也是可以设置的最高等级。 正确 ...
system- view[Huawei]command- privilege level 3 view user save 关于上面的配置命令说法正确的是() A. 修改用户的权限等级为3,并且保存配置 B. 修改用户视图命令的权限等级为3,并且保存配置 C. 修改某一用户使用的save命令的权限等级为3 D. 修改用户视图下的save命令的权限等级为3 ...
This is the same as trying to add the priviliege level under the vty section as well. Is there a hidden command to enable local-user to be set to privilege level 15? Thanks, Colin
Set the local user name to user1-huawei, password to YsHsjx_202206, and privilege level to 3. [DeviceA] aaa [DeviceA-aaa] local-user user1-huawei password irreversible-cipher YsHsjx_202206 [DeviceA-aaa] local-user user1-huawei service-type ssh [DeviceA-aaa] local-user user1-huawei ...