[huawei]local-user admin password cipher Admin@123 //设置用户名及密码 [huawei]local-user admin privilege level 15 //配置用户等级(0-15级)[huawei]local-user admin service-type terminal //配置用户登录模式 #用户登录模式有:console登录,telnet登录,ssh登录,web登录四种方式 password认证模式:<...
Name of the new user. Set the value to Storage. [Example] Storage Password Password of the new user. [Example] admin@123 Confirm Password Enter the password again. [Example] admin@123 License Type License type of the key management server. To connect to a storage device, select ...
user admin123 password irreversible-cipher $1d$+,JS+))\\2$KVNj(.3`_5x0FCKGv}H&.kUTI`Ff&H*eBqO.ua>)$ local-user admin123 service-type terminal ssh local-user admin123 privilege level 3 # interface MEth0/0/0 ip address # stelnet server enable ssh user...
#frpc.iniserver_addr= x.x.x.xserver_port= 7000http_proxy= http://user:pwd@ Development Plan Log http request information in frps. Direct reverse proxy, like haproxy. Load balance to different service in frpc. Debug mode for frpc, prestent proxy status in terminal. ...
#frpc.iniserver_addr= x.x.x.xserver_port= 7000http_proxy= http://user:pwd@ Development Plan Log http request information in frps. Direct reverse proxy, like haproxy. Load balance to different service in frpc. Debug mode for frpc, prestent proxy status in terminal. ...
Admin Add-WindowsFeature, Get-WindowsFeature modules not recognized in powershell. ADD-WorkSheet Excel Adding -Verbose to a Cmdlet Prevents Script From Terminating on Error Adding a 2 line streetaddress to user accounts in Active Directory Adding an AD account to an AD group Adding an image as...
Log on as a service - Error 5: Access Denied logging into a domain when domain controller is offline Logon failure; the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer (IE App) Logon failure: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this comput...
Local WebAuth Deployment Guide 16 WebAuth Feature Interaction Failed Authentications and Denial-of-Service Attacks If the user enters invalid credentials, the authentication server sends an Access-Reject message, and the switch makes no changes to the preconfigured ACL. The user receives a ...
WAN-D3750X version 15.2 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime service timestamps log datetime msec localtime service password-encryption ! hostname WAN-D3750X ! enable secret 5 /DtCCr53Q4B18jSIm1UEqu7cNVZTOhxTZyUnZdsSrsw ! username admin password 7 06055E324F41584...
某企业采用硬件SACG接入方式进行准入控制,配置命令如下,其中Key:Admin123[USG]right-managerserver-group[USG-rightm]localip10.1.10.2[USG-rightm]serverip10.31.78shared-keyAdnln123[USG2100-ightm]right-managerserver-groupenable假设其他配置均正确,仅根据以上配置下列选项哪个说法是正确的()。 A.完成配置后,SACG...