local-user user-name service-type { terminal | telnet | ftp | ssh | snmp | ppp } * 参数说明 参数参数说明取值 user-name 指定用户名。 字符串形式,不支持空格,不区分大小写,长度范围是1~253。 terminal 指定用户类型为终端用户。 - telnet 指定用户类型为Telnet用户,通常指网络管理员。 - ftp...
local-user service-type(升级兼容命令) 命令功能 local-user service-type命令用来设置本地用户的接入类型。 缺省情况下,本地用户关闭所有的接入类型。 命令格式 local-useruser-nameservice-type{terminal|telnet|ftp|ssh|snmp|ppp|http}* local-useruser-nameservice-typeall...
[Quidway-aaa]local-user admin service-type terminal ssh telnet ftp 创建vlan: system-view ///进入系统配置模式 [Quidway]vlan 10 ///创建vlan 10 [Quidway-vlan10]quit ///退出系统配置模式 [Quidway]interface Vlanif 10 ///进入配置vlan 10的模式 [Quidway-Vlanif10]ip address 255.255.25...
Name - Windows 10 hardware dev NoDial - Windows 10 hardware dev UMTSHSPAPLUS64QAM - Windows 10 hardware dev SoftwareLicensing - Windows 10 hardware dev Storage - Windows 10 hardware dev SystemRestore - Windows 10 hardware dev TerminalServices - Windows 10 hardware dev Intelligence - Windows 10 ...
Terminal Services Profiletab Dial-intab User rights required to perform migration on both source and destination servers Local Administrator rights are required on both the source and destination servers to install Windows Server Migration Tools on both the source and destination servers. ...
Terminal Services Profiletab Dial-intab User rights required to perform migration on both source and destination servers Local Administrator rights are required on both the source and destination servers to install Windows Server Migration Tools on both the source and destination servers. ...
Change property type for an existing object Change Service Log on with powershell script Change Shortuct Target path - Powershell Change SID on files & folders Change the location of an image manually in Powershell Change the value of an array element in ForEach loop? Changing contents of a...
2.configure terminal 3.aaa new-model 4.radius-server host{hostname|ip-address} [auth-portport-number] [acct-portport-number] [timeoutseconds] [retransmitretries] [keystring] 5.aaa group server{radius|tacacs+}group-name 6.server ip-address auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 ...
Win32_ServiceSpecification class (Windows) Win32_TypeLibraryAction class (Windows) HCLUSENUM structure (Windows) HNODEENUMEX structure (Windows) IStartMenuPinnedList Flat Scroll Bars B (Windows) Determining Whether Server Core Is Running (Windows) Developing for and Migrating Existing Code to Server...
edited I tried restarting the service but no luck. I tested it on another Ubuntu machine with the same config and the result was "X11 error: connection refused" and here is the logs: [2023-01-24 15:29:34.496649 +00:00] INFO [src/platform/linux.rs:165] uid of seat0: 123 [2023-01...