5.5. Impact of the filter parameter First of all, we report an analysis of the impact of the filter parameter used to filter out rules from the final explanation theory returned by GLocalX. Here we use the relative trimming criterion αq instead of the absolute one to minimize dataset-specif...
assessed here, and whether it is countered by high- or low-amplitude CT stimulation. More broadly, it will be of great interest to assess whether CT DBS restores not only the prevalence of high-gamma oscillations and the complexity of spontaneous EEG signals (as already demonstrated), but also...
如Gaussian、Laplacian、Sobel等很多传统图像滤波器,滤波器与图像内容之间是相互独立的,滤波时对图像内的所有像素都进行相同的运算,这常常会导致滤除噪声的同时也抹去了图像的细节,增强图像细节的时候又增强了图像噪声。 * 为了使滤波器和图像内容更好的结合,有研究人员提出使用导向图(Guidance lmage)来建立滤波器。如...
Table1summarizes the map retrieval performance within the first and the second tier. We added the Laplacian filter in this comparison, which has an effect of enhancing 3D edges20. For the global map search (the left half of Table1), VESPER with the DOT score (VESPER (DOT)) had the best...
src: Input 8-bit 3-channel image. dst: Output image with the same size and type as src . h: Parameter regulating filter strength for luminance component. Bigger h value perfectly removes noise but also removes image details, smaller h value preserves details but also preserve...