Methods: Tape recordings were made of patient and carer consultations using semi-structured interviews and staff focus groups using semistructured questioning. These were then transcribed and analysed. Results: The majority of feedback was positive. Continuity of care is very important and complex when...
However, people living with dementia are not solely recipients of neighborly support, but rather engage in recursive acts – looking out for other neighbors in ways that have been largely overlooked in research, which has rather narrowly focused upon carer-cared for relationships. Being able to ...
Campus respondents described while retirement home options are only possible for seniors with financial means, that this was worth considering as a potential option to further expand continuum offerings while also providing a campus with a wider economic base to support fixed overhead costs, cost reco...
Besides the peasants, there are the so-called “neo-rural” groups, urban inhabitants who have migrated to the countryside with the conviction of having another consistent perspective with their principles of productivity, sustainability and family life. An example of this...
Local services must take NICE guidance into account but it does not replace the knowledge and skills of individual health professionals who treat patients; it is still up to them to make decisions about a particular patient in consultation with the patient and/or their guardian or carer when ...
Carer 4% 0–1 608 Studying apprenticeship 10% 0–1 608 Home affluence scale 7.7 2.49 0–13 591 Subjective well-being (Index) 0.03 0.92 −2.55–1.54 600 Positive local interactions 3.34 0.96 0–5 607 Negative local interactions 2.21 0.82 0–5 600 Neighbour-trust 3.14 1.08 0–5 612 Commu...
Objective: To learn about the quality of local services and develop an appropriate methodology for future consultation.Methods: Tape recordings were made of patient and carer consultations using semi-structured interviews and staff focus groups using semistructured questioning. These were then transcribed ...
One of Sway Parish Council's strategic objectives is to help ageing people live well. As a carer and as part of her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award this abstract describes a 15-year-old's activity in supporting the parish council's strategic objective.AimsTo support people with dementia and ...