Often services that might provide support for carers, such as case management and carer support groups, withdraw upon entry to residential care; precisely when the need for emotional support is at its greatest. This withdrawal of care reflects the often fragmented nature of aged care services, ...
"I can see now that an intervention like START would have allayed some of my earlier anxieties by giving me appropriate practical information, advice about services, support, coping strategies, and helping me learn how to relax. Learning that it can have such long-term effects is extremely enco...
Through these support groups, YCs are provided with information and realise they are not alone. Respite care is also important to support YCs according to the experts, with activities where they can relax and detach from their home situation for a while and get in contact with fellow YCs for...
Being a parent or carer is tough job and we want to support you as much as possible. Please find below some useful websites and resources that we have identified that may be of help to you and your child/children. For local support you can also conta...
“presence” and draws a distinction between humanoid multi-function robots and non-humanoid robots to suggest that the former provide a more sophisticated presence than the latter. It then looks at the difference between lower-tech assistive technological support for older people and its benefits, ...
The quantitative component of the review considered studies that compared music therapy to any other intervention, examples including; bereavement support and social groups, education, psychological support and counselling, befriending and home-visiting support, arts-based approaches, spiritual approaches, com...
there are sub-groups of family carers with a higher carer burden and added socioeconomic vulnerability, which makes them a ‘hard to reach’ population for survey research. Therefore, the adverse health impact could be higher, and their support needs could be more resource-intensive than is evid...
Informal carers provide an important role in supporting people with cancer. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience higher cancer mortality than other Australians. To date, very little is known about the support needs of carers of Aborig
Managing eating and drinking for someone living with dementia in a home environment is challenging, and those from ethnic minority backgrounds do not always receive support that is culturally relevant. Our study sheds light on the cultural importance of food and drink in these groups, and of the...