Local bees make local honey, which means the pollen they collect and bring back to the hive is all sourced from local plants. Since many seasonal allergies are caused by these same plants, eating honey that contains that pollen can possibly combat those allergies. While no formal studies have...
Visiting from out of town over the Easter weekend to spend time with family. I was excited to see a local honey being sold at the Pearland flea market. Told my family members who live in the area to buy your honey/pollen for their allergies. ...
After the long winter with so much snow, our bees are happy it’s spring. They are growing their colonies and bringing in pollen. So much pollen. If you have spring allergies, we don’t have to tell you! Lots of folks feel local honey helps their allergies and are connecting for curb...
Browse our selection of pure raw honey from Willamette Valley hives, including creamed, clover, wildflower, coriander, buckwheat, and more. Honey tasting gift sets, honey sticks, pure beeswax, local pollen, and more bee goodies.
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For instance, the 2 bottles I received are Southeast and Midwest. I’m in Kentucky so both pertain to us and both will have things local-ish that will help with our outdoor allergies. By the way, our oldest daughter and I just had allergy testing. We 42 allergens injected into our bac...
Gender aspects in allergies of pets—A secondary publication and update. World Allergy Organ. J. 2017, 10, 42. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 39. Anturaniemi, J.; Uusitalo, L.; Hielm-Bjorkman, A. Environmental and phenotype-related risk factors for owner-reported allergic/atopic skin symptoms and ...