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Because mast cells are the ones that trigger allergic reactions like sneezing, coughing, and itching. The fewer mast cells you have, the less susceptible you would be to these annoying allergic reactions. This study has proven that bee pollen is indeed highly effective in fighting allergies. Anot...
Bee pollen is also recommended by some herbalists to enhance athletic performance, reduceside effects of chemotherapy, and improveallergies and asthma. At this point, medical research has not shown that bee pollen is effective for any of these health concerns. A few studies have been promising: ...
Great for allergies Dr Berg on YouTube suggested taking bee pollen for allergies. My eyes are no longer itchy and I'm not sneezing out of control. I don't take meds and usually stick it out. But it sure is nice being able to breathe clearly. ...
If the thought of eating a bee's collection of pollen still freaks you out, that's understandable. The good news is that there don't seem to be any serious drawbacks to eating bee pollen, although there have been cases of people with a history of bee allergies having allergic reactions ...
Honey (and bee pollen) have recently been found to improve symptoms in women on hormone suppressive drugs 5 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergy Relief Written by Tara Thorne, R.H.N When seasonal allergies strike they can bring with them a host of nasty symptoms including itchy and ...
Benefits of Bee Pollen Energy Enhancer Can help with Allergies Great for Gut Health Supports a Healthy Immune System Supports the Cardiovascular System Contains an abundance of Amino Acids Our Story With over 40 years of beekeeping knowled...
As a result, all reported relief from allergies, asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, migraines, cystitis, and other problems. Unfortunately, there have been cases of allergic reactions to bee pollen too. For this reason, if you decide to try this natural remedy start from a few grains and ...
"I started taking Bee Pollen about 3 and a half months ago. To my surprise I didn't realize that it was going to help my depression. I no longer have depression - I can hardly even think bad thoughts. Before bee pollen I could never think a good thought. All I could think of was...
for myself !! I also notice I feel good aftereating it, like a nice afternoon pick me up !Highly recommend Carlos Rojas Great on oatmeal and muesli!!! HummingBee pollen has been a great addition to our oatmeal and muesli in the morning. It has a sweet and flowery flavor with hints...