The Lobotomy Corporation Wiki is about the Korean developed indie game Lobotomy Corp by PROJECT MOON, in which you care for and collect energy from various aberrations known as Abnormalities, ranging from the monstrous, to the paranormal, to the plain bizarre. So far, there are 210 articles on...
它能钻进你身上的任何一处孔洞。 裸巢(O-02-74)是一个球状异想体,类似于岩石,表面覆盖有褐色未知物质,表面有多个大小不一的孔洞,似乎附着于地板上。其类似于一个巢穴,与其颜色相同的蠕虫从孔洞中爬出。 Ⅰ. 观测报告显示,低血量的员工更容易受到“裸巢”的感染,尤
Ⅲ. 在离开收容单元后员工的身体出现了感染的征兆,一段时间后他的外表变得像“裸巢”一样(此时将其编为O-02-74-1) Ⅳ. <警告>在被感染的员工转变为O-02-74-1前曾与其有所接触的员工也很有可能会受到感染。因此,您应该注意出现“裸巢”突破收容的情况的部门和地区,检查该区域中的员工是否出现了与“管理...
Lobotomy Corporation possesses a variety of Abnormalities, using them for study, power generation, and the harvest of E.G.O. equipment. Each is ranked on a threat scale, and the ways they can harm humans are summarized into color-based types. They are the 'Main/Recurrent Enemies' of the ...