脑叶公司(Lobotomy Corporation)这款游戏入手已两周有余,游戏时间只有84小时也不多,但这个游戏本身有趣的内容还是让我写下了这篇文章,那么我会从几个不同的方面聊一下我对这个游戏的种种感受。 脑叶基金会 提起脑叶公司,我首先想到的一定是那些五花八门光怪陆离的异想体了,它们诞生自人类,不能单纯称之为怪物,友...
游戏 单机游戏 演示 图鉴 脑叶公司 LOBOTOMYCORPORATION 嫉妒魔女 发消息 我们祥厨的宿命就是看祥子二创边笑边哭 充电 关注2.1万 phi 1/21 创建者:林水間 收藏 Lobotomy脑叶公司异想体大全【更新至黑天鹅之梦】 28.8万播放 0-04-100 樱下墓 02:15 0-00-00教学兔兔 00:56 F-01-02焦化少女 01:40 T-...
"The color of the human heart is pink, and by wearing the same color, we can blend in with people’s minds."-Army In Black's Entry Army in Black (D-01-106), also known as Army In Pink, is an Abnormality that takes the form of a big cartoon pink heart flo
【Steam特惠】《脑叶公司(Lobotomy Corporation)》【特惠0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳80万头野猪成烫手山芋!四川一头野猪咬伤7旬老人,掀翻两次! 户外小北 19跟贴 打开APP 俄罗斯人非常幽默印刷厂全部不接活 俄罗斯 遨游世界科技 5781跟贴 打开APP 周星驰为何被称为片场暴君,石榴姐至今不敢再合作,但却对他感恩 ...
However, if an Agent equipping an E.G.O. Equipment dies, their Weapon and Suit will be lost, removing one unit from the respective Abnormality's Equipment and having to obtain another again, which is applied when the day ends or when restarting from a checkpoint, but restarting the day ...
I own a E.G.O Magic Bullet for facility defence, just as the Corporation intended. 4 Abnormalities break into my department. “What the Hod?!?” I shout as I grab my Magic Bullet Weapon and Suit. Blow a PE-Box sized hole through the first Abno it’s suppressed on the spot. Draw...
发售: 2016-12-17(PC) 制作:Project Moon发行:Project Moon语言:简中 | 繁中 | 英文 | 日文 | 多国标签: 恐怖 血腥 独立 首页 新闻 攻略 下载 图片 《脑叶公司(Lobotomy Corporation)》是由Project Moon制作发行的一款管理怪物的模拟游戏。游戏的灵感来源于那些在小说,游戏和电影中登场的怪物们,例如《SCP...
Lobotomy Corporation possesses a variety of Abnormalities, using them for study, power generation, and the harvest of E.G.O. gear. Each is ranked on a threat scale, and the ways they can harm humans are summarized into color-based types. They are the 'Main/Recurrent Enemies' of the game...
O-03-89 「CENSORED」【数据删除】 04:31 F-02-70 黑天鹅之梦 02:13 【艾尔登法环】全网最细全支线全NPC剧情合集(已更新1.04版本) 315.1万播放 《艾尔登法环》全护符收集(已完结) 294.0万播放 《天牌》P2!三大上层围攻,三娘教子局! 88.4万播放 ...
既存のE.G.Oを基にした新たな女の子専用の装備を追加します。Add new girl-specific equipment based on existing E.G.O.