The Lobotomy Corporation Wiki is about the Korean developed indie game Lobotomy Corp by PROJECT MOON, in which you care for and collect energy from various aberrations known as Abnormalities, ranging from the monstrous, to the paranormal, to the plain bizarre. So far, there are 210 articles on...
在《脑叶公司》中,惩戒鸟(O-02-56)又称小鸟,是一只小白鸟。它有着蓝白色的小翅膀,胸口有一块红色的印记。“惩戒鸟”喜欢待在收容单元的一棵树上休息。当被镇压时,“惩戒鸟”会变得全身通红。人们从很久以前就开始不停地犯下罪恶。“为什么他们要做这种事儿?即使他们知道那是充满罪恶的?” 收容单元内的“惩戒鸟...
它的天平能夠絕對公正地衡量任何罪惡。 審判鳥(O-02-62),它有着圓形的身體,非常瘦長的腿和脖子以及兩條長有黑色羽毛的爪子。它的頭上纏着繃帶,兩側有各有一個頂端帶紅的白色小翅膀。審判鳥的脖子上還掛着一個不平衡的天平,天平永遠偏向較重的那一側。 觀察等級2級前,
Lobotomy Corporation possesses a variety of Abnormalities, using them for study, power generation, and the harvest of E.G.O. equipment. Each is ranked on a threat scale, and the ways they can harm humans are summarized into color-based types. They are the 'Main/Recurrent Enemies' of the ...