“炎雀”的俯冲是以加速后的移动进行计算,能给攻击目标施加减速状态的E.G.O武器如笑靥,爱慕,霜之碎片都能派上用场。 由于“炎雀”会造成房间物理伤害与俯冲精神伤害,镇压“炎雀”的员工应装备这两项抗性均良好的E.G.O防具,因为在镇压“炎雀”时,为了更高的输出速度,需要在承受房间伤害的同时硬吃“炎雀”的俯...
The Lobotomy Corporation Wiki is about the Korean developed indie game Lobotomy Corp by PROJECT MOON, in which you care for and collect energy from various aberrations known as Abnormalities, ranging from the monstrous, to the paranormal, to the plain bizarre. So far, there are 210 articles on...
Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Lobotomy Corporation Wiki Others Like You Viewed CENSORED Mountain of Smiling Bodies The Queen of Hatred The Silent Orchestra Melting Love Top Pages this Week Abnormalities 1 Ordeals 2 Apocalypse Bird 3 Nothing There ...
而真正的猎手将被授予那众生渴求的闪耀羽毛。炎雀(O-02-101 )是一只立在枯树上的鸟形异想体。从外表上看,它似乎是一只长尾,长颈且毛色漆黑的怪鸟。炎雀的眼部和胸部散发着金色的光,据观察日志中的记录,这些光极有可能是火光。 炎雀的部分点子是由这个游戏的俄罗斯语翻