我们必将失去什么?这幅肖像牢牢抓住了那一瞬间的精髓。 异世的肖像(O-09-91)是一个HE级别的单次使用型工具异想体, 看起来是一张被一个欧式、古典但显得有些诡异的黑色金属支架固定着的褪色、泛黄的空白画布。它在每天开始时都会自行清空画布表面的画面,而且在画布上覆
The Lobotomy Corporation Wiki is about the Korean developed indie game Lobotomy Corp by PROJECT MOON, in which you care for and collect energy from various aberrations known as Abnormalities, ranging from the monstrous, to the paranormal, to the plain bizarre. So far, there are 210 articles on...
EpilepsyMedical historyLobotomy side effectsPsychosurgeryEllinor HamsunIn Scandinavia, at least 11.500 people were lobotomized in the period 1939–1983. Beside grave personality changes, the surgery caused epilepsy in 10–35% of the patients. Moreover, many died due to perioperative bleedings, ...
Lobotomy Corporation Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Lobotomy Corporation Wiki Others Like You Viewed CENSORED Mountain of Smiling Bodies The Queen of Hatred The Silent Orchestra Melting Love Top Pages this Week Abnormalities 1 Ordeals
我们必将失去什么?这幅肖像牢牢抓住了那一瞬间的精髓。 异世的肖像(O-09-91)是一个HE级别的单次使用型工具异想体, 看起来是一张被一个欧式、古典但显得有些诡异的黑色金属支架固定着的褪色、泛黄的空白画布。它在每天开始时都会自行清空画布表面的画面,而且在画布上覆