很多情况下加载图片并非只要图片,还会有对应的文本,比如在图片分类的时候,每张图片都对应一个类别。这种情况我们需要在图片所在文件夹中加入一个metadata.jsonl的文件,来指定每个图片对应的类别,格式如下,注意file_name字段必须要有,其他字段可自行命名 {
"test": url + "SQuAD_it-test.json.gz", } # 可以多个库一起载入 squad_it_dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files=data_files, field="data") # 这里为什么指定field='data'呢,是因为这里Json文件格式的是嵌套的,data这个对应是文件的数据; # 如果你是一行一行的数据,无需指定field,直接读入就...
dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files=path, storage_options=storage_options) and it throws an error: TypeError: AioSession.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hf' and I use the lastest 2.14.4_dev0 version mayorblock commented Aug 17, 2023 Hi @lhoestq, thanks for getting ba...
from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset('json', data_files='my_file.json') JSON 文件可以有多种格式,但我们认为最有效的格式是拥有多个 JSON 对象;每行代表一个单独的数据行。例如: {"a": 1, "b": 2.0, "c": "foo", "d": false} {"a": 4, "b": -5.5, "c": nul...
from datasets import load_dataset path = "/content/toy_struc_dataset" dataset = load_dataset(path, data_files={"train": "*.jsonl.gz"}) print(dataset["train"][0]) Output {'id': 1, 'value': {'tag': 'a', 'value': 1}} # This is the example in v1 With a terminal, we ...
._ 0-9/]training[-._ 0-9/]']' at /mainfs/home/yr3g17/.cache/huggingface/datasets/squad with any supported extension ['csv', 'tsv', 'json', 'jsonl', 'parquet', 'txt', 'blp', 'bmp', 'dib', 'bufr', 'cur', 'pcx', 'dcx', 'dds', 'ps', 'eps', 'fit', 'fits', ...
|_ validation |_ val_234.png |_ metadata.jsonl ... They contain the same image files and metadata.jsonl but the images in test_data2 have the split names prepended i.e. train_1012.png, val_234.png and the images in test_data1 do not have the split names prepended to the ...
By commenting out the os.rename() L604 and the shutil.rmtree() L607 lines, in my virtual environment, I was able to get the load process to complete, rename the directory manually and then rerun the load_dataset('wiki_bio') to get what I needed. It seems that os.rename() in the ...
The data is amazon product data. I load the Video_Games_5.json.gz data into pandas and save it as csv file. and then load the csv file using the above code. I thought,split=['train', 'test']would split the data into train and test. did I misunderstood?
GDRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET_FILE=client_secret.json GDRIVE_PICKLE_FILE=token_drive_v3.pickle GDRIVE_API_NAME=drive GDRIVE_API_VERSION=v3 GDRIVE_SCOPES=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly # Dagster DAGSTER_PG_HOSTNAME=de_psql DAGSTER_PG_USERNAME=admin DAGSTER_PG_PASSWORD=admin123 DAGSTER...