datasets.load_dataset()是Hugging Face提供的读取数据的函数,使用个人数据时需要将脚本文件路径作为参数传入函数,无需再传入其他参数。如下图所示: 数据脚本调用方法 执行完毕后,结果如下图: 运行脚本 然后根据实际使用需要切分数据,如data["train"][0],data["train"]["image"]... Lite版本 Lite版本是读取训练...
dataset = load_dataset('text', data_files='') 1.2.4 Parquet 与基于行的文件(如 CSV)不同,Parquet 文件以柱状格式存储。大型数据集可以存储在 Parquet 文件中,因为它更高效,返回查询的速度更快。#加载 Parquet 文件,如下例所示...
对于NLP 爱好者来说HuggingFace肯定不会陌生,因为现在几乎一提到NLP就会有HuggingFace的名字出现,HuggingFace...
If I remove the fields "topic_id, doc_id, source_id, target_id", the dataset is loaded correctly. However, I prefer to keep them in the jsonfile and just ignore them in the processed version of the dataset. Is there any solution for it? pytorch huggingface huggingface-datasets Share Fo...
The minimal working example to load theHuggingface SQuAD v2dataset using fromdatasetsimportload_dataset dataset_squad_v2 = load_dataset("squad_v2") does not work on my Ubuntu 22 machine withPython 3.9due to a KeyError(). It does work, however, withPython 3.10. ...
使用datasets.load_data时,加载数据集报错,从hugging face下载文件缺失。hfdataset = load_dataset(path...
dataset = load_dataset('csv', data_files='train.csv') 也可以处理多个 CSV 文件 dataset = load_dataset('csv', data_files=['train.csv', 'test.csv']) 当使用 HuggingFace 提供的预训练模型对自己的数据集进行微调时,使用自定义数据集会非常方便。
的决策模式。结合本次会议参与及观察,对我国参与国际互联网治理有几点思考。 image.png ...
load_dataset("squad") Expected behavior I expected to either see the output described here from running the very same command in command line ([]), or any output that does not raise Python's TypeError. ...