如果在llvm/include/llvm/IR/路径下没有与自定义 backend 对应的Intrinsics<target>.td文件,可以拷贝已有 backend 的 td 文件,然后在其上修改,这是一个比较快捷的方法。增加对应的 td 文件后,不要忘记在Intrinsics.td中包含自定义 backend 的 td 文件,以便框架知道 td 文件的存在。 include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics<...
其实和上面的自动向量化一样,像_mm256_add_epi32也会编译到add <4 x i64>这样的superword的操作,理论上llvm ir会是一个对所有支持的backend assembly的一个超集,可以用自己的方式描述这些assembly的功能。 具体intrinsics的api可以在https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html查...
/// Generic base class for all target subtargets.classMCSubtargetInfo{TripleTargetTriple;std::stringCPU;// CPU being targeted.std::stringTuneCPU;// CPU being tuned for.ArrayRef<SubtargetFeatureKV>ProcFeatures;// Processor feature listArrayRef<SubtargetSubTypeKV>ProcDesc;// Processor descriptions....
.setProcessName("com.goldze.mvvmhabit") .addBackendFactory(new Unicorn2Factory(true)) .addBackendFactory(new HypervisorFactory(true)) .addBackendFactory(new DynarmicFactory(true)) .addBackendFactory(new KvmFactory(true)) .build(); // 获取内存 memory = emulator.getMemory(); memory.setLibraryResol...
源码Source Code + 前端 Frontend + 优化器 Optimizer + 后端 Backend(代码生成器 CodeGenerator)+ 机器码 Machine Code,如下图所示 ios的编译器架构 OC、C、C++使用的编译器前端是Clang,Swift是swift,后端都是LLVM,如下图所示 模块说明 前端Frontend:编译器前端的任务是解析源代码(编译阶段),它会进行词法分析、...
Porting the backend to new architectures The following changes has to be made to port the LLVM backend to a new architecture: Define MONO_ARCH_LLVM_SUPPORTED in mini-<ARCH>.h. Implement mono_arch_get_llvm_call_info () in mini-<ARCH>.h. This function is a variant of the arch specific...
l llvm/include/llvm/DerivedTypes.h: add new class to represent new class in the hierarchy; add forward declaration to the TypeMap value type l llvm/lib/VMCore/Type.cpp: add support for derived type to: l std::string getTypeDescription(const Type &Ty, ...
.addBackendFactory(new Unicorn2Factory(true)) .setProcessName("com.example.antiollvm") .build(); Memory memory = emulator.getMemory(); //设置andorid系统库版本 memory.setLibraryResolver(new AndroidResolver(26)); //创建虚拟机 vm = emulator.creat...
return unique_ptr<CJLASTConsumer> (new CJLASTConsumer(CI)); } }; } //第一步:注册插件,并自定义AST语法树Action类 //1、注册插件 static FrontendPluginRegistry::Add<CJLPlugin::CJLASTAction> CJL("CJLPlugin", "This is CJLPlugin");
The second reason became less important after Emscripten switched to the LLVM wasm backend, at which point there isn't any code we expect to move back and forth between the projects; also, LLVM relicensed to Apache 2.0 + exceptions meanwhile. In practice you can just consider Emscripten as ...