Arxiv: 背景文章提出了一种将大型语言模型(LLM)中的权重和激活量化为4位浮点值的方法。作者认为现有的训练后量化(PTQ)解决…
FP4则是香港科技大学和Meta合作的,23年10月份新鲜的,是将FP8的思想应用到了FP4上面。番外篇(也叫MoFQ)是微软23年5月份的混合量化论文。另外本文阅读过程中还涉及了LLM.int8()和SmoothQuant两篇INT量化的相关知识。 不同于INT8、INT4的方法,当下FP8和FP4相对来说用的少一些,不过最近关注和应用程度都在上升。一...
We propose LLM-FP4 for quantizing both weights and activations in large language models (LLMs) down to 4-bit floating-point values, in a post-training manner. Existing post-training quantization (PTQ) solutions are primarily integer-based and struggle with bit widths below 8 bits. Compared to...
This is the pytorch implementation of our paperLLM-FP4: 4-Bit Floating-Point Quantized Transformers, published in EMNLP 2023 main conference. LLM-FP4 is able to quantize both weights and activations in large language models (LLMs) down to 4-bit floating-point values, in a post-training manner...
bitsandbytes could support read bnb fp4 model such as PrunaAI/Einstein-v6.1-Llama3-8B-bnb-4bit-smashed. I can not find any model which is tiny and fast. So I did not add new unit test. this simple test works: from vllm import LLM ...
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