神经语言模型:随着深度学习的发展,神经语言模型(Neural Language Model, NLM)开始兴起。这类模型通常使用神经网络结构,如前馈神经网络(FeedForward Neural Network LM)、循环神经网络(RNN LM)等,能够捕捉到更为复杂的语言模式和上下文信息。 预训练语言模型:预训练语言模型(Pre-trained Language Model, PLM)是在大规模...
In general, the more nodes, the more complex the text a model is able to understand and generate. LMMs are even more complex because they also have to incorporate data from additional modalities, but they're typically trained and structured in much the same way. Of course, an AI model ...
我们正迈入一个由大语言模型(Large Language Model, LLM)驱动的 AI 新时代,LLM在诸如客户服务、虚拟助理、内容创作、编程辅助等各类应用中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。 然而,随着 LLM 规模不断扩大,运行大模型所需的资源消耗也越来越大,导致其运行也越来越慢,这给 AI 应用开发者带来了相当大的挑战。 为此,英特尔...
A large language model (LLM) is a specialized type of artificial intelligence (AI) that has been trained on vast amounts of text to understand existing content and generate original content. Want to learn more? Explore:What Generative AI Means for Business ...
Gemini, formerly known as Bard, is Google’s AI LLM that launched in March 2023. The platform can do almost anything ChatGPT can do, including answering questions and creating images. The model’s multimodal capabilities are particularly impressive and allow users to create video, audio, and co...
导读:人类一直试图打造一种可以自主完成预设目标的代理或实体,即智能体 (AI Agents 或 Agents),以协助人类完成各种各样繁琐的任务。多年来,智能体作为人工智能一个活跃的应用领域吸引人们不断地研究探索。人们越来越意识到智能体和人工智能的发展是密不可分的。最近大模型在人工智能应用领域的重大突破,更是让人们看...
llm.mlc.ai/ Topics language-modeltvmllmmachine-learning-compilation Resources Readme License Apache-2.0 license Activity Custom properties Stars 19.8kstars Watchers 184watching Forks 1.6kforks Report repository Contributors137 Languages Python66.0%
An AI technique calledretrieval-augmented generation(RAG) can help with some of these issues by improving the accuracy and relevance of an LLM’s output. RAG provides a way to add targeted information without changing the underlying model. RAG models create knowledge repositories—typically based on...
3)利用大型语言模型(Large Language Model,简称 LLM)提示 随着 LLM 的快速发展,尤其是 GPT-4 的出现,将 LLM 应用于复杂的交互式推理任务取得了显著的成果。除了通过传统方法直接让 LLM 根据过往行动和当前环境观察生成行动外,有研究通过直接调用 LLM 生成 action 候选池再结合环境重排序(SayCan),也有研究...