You need to do this because two businesses in the state can’t have the same name. First, search your business name and compare it to existing businesses in Florida. You can make sure the LLC Name you want is unique from existing businesses using the Sunbiz Division of Corporations: Search...
Business Entity Search Name Availability Search Florida Department of State Sunbiz Division of Corporations Entity Name Search Georgia Secretary of State Business Search Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Business Name Search Idaho Secretary of State Business Search Illinois...
Make sure your preferred name is available by using the Florida Division of Corporation’s Sunbiz entity search. Florida LLC naming requirements Per Florida’s Revised Limited Liability Company Act § 605.0112, your LLC name must: Contain the words limited liability company, L.L.C., or LLC. ...
Before naming your LLC, it’s crucial to do a name search. If you don’t complete an LLC name search and someone else is already using your chosen business name, you can encounter legal troubles as well as customer confusion down the road. If your LLC name is taken, you can use a ...
Unique Name: Your business name has to be unique in the state of Florida. Make sure your Florida business name isn’t taken. To check online to see if a name is available, see ourFlorida LLC Searchpage. LLC Name Requirements: Limited Liability Company:When you start a Florida LLC, your...
Yes, the Florida Division of Corporations (aka Sunbiz) will send you 4 different courtesy reminders. The first Annual Report reminder notice is sent out around the middle of January. The rest will be sent every 4-5 weeks. Where are the reminder notices sent?
Domain name available– Check if the .com URL is taken. Positive connotation– Avoid anything controversial. Do I Need a New EIN When Changing LLC Name? No, you can keep your existingEINwhen you change your LLC name—just update it with the IRS. Getting a new EIN creates hassles. ...
Step 1: Choose your LLC name(to do this, you’ll need tosearch the secretary of stateor division of corporation website in the state you want to form your LLC in to see if your chosen name is available first) Step 2: Apply for a Federal Tax Identification Number (FEIN)with the IRS...