First, search your business name and compare it to existing businesses in Florida. You can make sure the LLC Name you want is unique from existing businesses using the Sunbiz Division of Corporations: Search Records page. Second, familiarize yourself with the naming rules in this state (so your...
Make sure your preferred name is available by using the Florida Division of Corporation’s Sunbiz entity search. Florida LLC naming requirements Per Florida’s Revised Limited Liability Company Act § 605.0112, your LLC name must: Contain the words limited liability company, L.L.C., or LLC. ...
Business Database Search Connecticut Secretary of State Business Records Search Delaware Department of State: Division of Corporations Business Entity Search Name Availability Search Florida Department of State Sunbiz Division of Corporations Entity Name Search Georgia Secretary of State Busi...
Under the department’s “Business Services” section, look for an option to search active and inactive names. Type in your desired LLC name and click on the “Search” button. Try different variations like abbreviations, LLC vs. Ltd., or slight name changes. For example, search for “Blue...
Yes, the Florida Division of Corporations (aka Sunbiz) will send you 4 different courtesy reminders. The first Annual Report reminder notice is sent out around the middle of January. The rest will be sent every 4-5 weeks. Where are the reminder notices sent?
To file your Articles of Organization, submit the information online with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations, through their Sunbiz website. But if you’re not a Sunbizinite and need some human help, we can handle the filing for you. ...
Step 1: Choose your LLC name(to do this, you’ll need tosearch the secretary of stateor division of corporation website in the state you want to form your LLC in to see if your chosen name is available first) Step 2: Apply for a Federal Tax Identification Number (FEIN)with the IRS...
Your home for forming anonymous Florida LLCs, establishing a virtual office, opening a bank account and more.
Google it.Search online to make sure another business isn’t already using your proposed name. Consider alternatives.Have a few backup names in case your first choice isn’t available. You can always do a DBA later. Once you’ve settled on an available business name, some states allow you...