(R&D Systems) | seven hills bioreagents | zytovision | zyagen Laboratories | ZeptoMetrix | WSU Monoclonal Antibody Center | VMRD | VitaNavi | Virusys | Usbiological | UBPBIO | tulip biolabs | TriLink BioTechnologies | TRC | Ted Pella | swant | steraloids | ST john's laboratory | Sphero...
Antibodies The following monoclonal antibodies used for staining and cell sorting were from BD Pharmingen: anti-CD4 (GK1.5 and RM4- 4), anti-CD8α (53-6.7), anti-TCRβ (H57-597), anti-CD44 (IM-7), anti-CD25 (3C7), anti-CD5 (53-7.3) and anti-CD2 (RM2-5). Anti- phospho-...
The immunocomplexes were probed by western blotting with monoclonal anti-LKB1 (Sigma-Aldrich), SIRT1 (Abcam), SIRT6 (Abcam), or acetyl-lysine antibody (Cell Signaling). Statistical analysis. Data are presented as means ± S.D. Two-way analysis of variance for comparisons was performed for ...
(Astexx), mouse monoclonal anti-b-actin (Sigma), rabbit polyclonal anti-Oct-6 (provided by Dr Dies Meijer), rabbit polyclonal anti-Oct-6 (provided by Dr Dies Meijer), mouse monoclonal anti-LKB1 (Abcam), mouse monoclonal anti-p-LKB1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and rabbit polyclonal anti- ...
Development of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells studied with a monoclonal antibody against galactocerebroside. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 79, 2709–2713 (1982). 49. Morgan, L., Jessen, K. R. & Mirsky, R. The effects of cAMP on differentiation of cultured Schwann cells: progression from ...
TRK fused gene Rabbit Monoclonal AntibodyTRK fused gene Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody 公司简介 上海沪震实业有限公司是一家集研发以及销售一体的高科技生物公司。厂房严格按照GMP,主要从事免疫学、分子生物学和常规生化试剂的研发、销售。并代理销售Omega、Sigma、R&D、GBD、ATCC、HYCLONE等二十多家国外 ,致力于为广大高...
Apoptotic cells were identified by double-stained with FITC-conjugated annexin-V monoclonal antibody and PI dye for 30 min by using the Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection kit (BD Biosciences, 556547). After staining and washing, cells were analysed by LSR II cytometer. Apoptotic cells were ...
MISSION LentiExpress Human Kinases (Sigma-Aldrich; SHX001) was used to identify human protein kinases that modulate the number of GFP-WIPI1 punctate structures. Monoclonal U2OS cells stably expressing GFP-WIPI1 were seeded in 96-well plates pre-containing the lentiviral particles and 96 h after...
MISSION LentiExpress Human Kinases (Sigma-Aldrich; SHX001) was used to identify human protein kinases that mod- ulate the number of GFP-WIPI1 punctate structures. Monoclonal U2OS cells stably expressing GFP-WIPI1 were seeded in 96-well plates pre-containing the lentiviral particles and 96 h ...
(R&D Systems) | seven hills bioreagents | zytovision | zyagen Laboratories | ZeptoMetrix | WSU Monoclonal Antibody Center | VMRD | VitaNavi | Virusys | Usbiological | UBPBIO | tulip biolabs | TriLink BioTechnologies | TRC | Ted Pella | swant | steraloids | ST john's laboratory | Sphero...