Pork Pork: 2013 Forecast Overview Pork Summary Tables Swine Summary Tables Poultry Meat Poultry Meat: 2013 Forecast Overview Broiler Meat Summary Tables Turkey Meat Summary Tables Notes to Readers Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA Office of Global Analysis October 2012 Summary: Major Traders and U.S....
Insect pests of livestock, poultry, and pets and their control | Clc http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1696220 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Insect pests of pigeonpea and their management Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) is an important crop in semi-arid tropical and subtropical far...
(Agriculture) (functioning as singular or plural) cattle, horses, poultry, and similar animals kept for domestic use but not as pets, esp on a farm or ranch Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 20...
Goat Farming - Tailored tools for goat farming, ensuring the well-being and productivity of your goat herd. Poultry Farming - Streamline your poultry farm with chicken, turkey, and duck management. Cattle Farming - Comprehensive cattle management tools for various breeds, including Holstein. ...
2013-09-17Harris On The Pig-Breeding Rearing Management And Improvement 1883PDF11 mb 2013-09-17History Of The Duroc 1918PDF3 mb 2013-09-17Hog Cholera And How To Prevent It 1877PDF2 mb 2013-09-17Notes On Diseases Of Swine Sheep Poultry And The Dog 1917PDF7 mb ...
and roof status. Also, details on number of household occupants and distance from household to livestock sheds were observed. All livestock present in selected households were observed and recorded. The common livestock observed were cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, pigs and poultry (chicken and ducks)...
Total livestock excreta in 1996 were estimated to contain 94 million tonnes of N, 21 million tonnes of P, and 67 million tonnes of K. Cattle are the largest contributors with 60% of the total; pigs and poultry account for 10% and 9%. Nutrients recovered as manure were estimated as 34 ...
The Technical Guidelines for Measuring the Bearing Capacity of Soil Contaminated by Livestock and Poultry Manure (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, 2018). Gu, B. et al. Toward a generic analytical framework for sustainable nitrogen management: application...
An array of concerns about animal health, potential bio-terrorism, food safety, international trade, consumer demand for credence attributes, and improving supply chain management are igniting unprecedented change in the international meat and livestock market. One noteworthy development is accelerated advan...
References and notes 1 NRC Nutrient Requirements of Poultry (9th rev. ed.), The National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC (1994) Google Scholar 2 C. Pomar, L. Hauschild, G.-H. Zhang, J. Pomar, P.A. Lovatto Applying precision feeding techniques in growing-finishing pig operations Rev...