Cole, H. H., ed., Introduction to Livestock Production Including Dairy and Poultry, W. H. Freeman and Company, 660 Market St., San Francisco, 787 pp., 202 illus., $8.75.Even if this book did not contain a wealth of useful knowledge contributed by 41 authors in 43 chapters, this ...
Fromfeedproductiontolivestockandpoultrybreeding, fromfoodprocessingtoterminalcatering, everythingthatisdoneisforabetterlife. Corporate development03/04 OVERVIEW Europe-France NorthAmerica/US Asia- Africa-Egypt Asia-SouthAsia Asia-SoutheastAsia Africa-Nigeria EuropeNorthAsiaandAfrica America Africa- South frica ...
Many studies have shown that some symbiotic Actinobacterial species, that is probiotics, control bacterial diseases in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture. They also take part in host health by converting the feedstuffs into microbial biomass and fermentation end products that can be utilized by the ...
Parasites are one of the most important threats to domesticated livestock worldwide. For several decades, their control has been based only on therapeutic interventions using chemical products at fixed intervals throughout the year. Results have demonstr
The transmission of pathogens across the interface between wildlife and livestock presents a challenge to the development of effective surveillance and control measures. Wild birds, especially waterbirds such as the Anseriformes and Charadriiformes are considered to be the natural hosts of Avian Influenz...
In 1995 and 1996 by the Ministry of agriculture and the national livestock and poultry genetic resources management committee site identification, review, identification: Nanjiang in China is currently the best performance of the new varieties of goat meat. And officially named by the Ministry of ...
and other wild animals, whereas other gamma and delta viruses can cause infections in pigs, other mammals, aquatic animals like fish, and poultry birds. China, which is considered as the land of origin of this pandemic, is expected to recover faster than other countries like Europe and America...
基因组选择An Introduction to GS
坦桑尼亚介绍(Tanzania introduction) Tanzania, located in eastern Africa, south of the equator. The north and the Kenya and Uganda border, South and Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Burundi, bordering the west of Rwanda and Congo (DRC) to the east by the India ocean. The mainland coastline of ...
In the recent past, the introduction of Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) followed by between-herd spread has given rise to a number of large epidemics in The Netherlands and Belgium. Both these countries are pork-exporting countries. Particularly important in these epidemics has been the occurre...