Organization of liver and IHBD system The liver is one of the largest organs of the body, composed of two epithelial cell types, the hepatocytes and IHBD cells. Both the hepatocytes and IHBD cells belong to the same hepatic lineage and are derived from a common stem cell during development...
Kupffer believed that these stellate cells belong to pericytes or an adventitial group. He described under the name “star cells” the capillaries of the liver lobules, which show several extensions of different lengths and often encompass the capillary vessel in a ring. Sometimes the processes of...
Fetuins belong to the cystatin family and protease inhibitors and are considered acute phase response proteins (Brown and Dziegielewska1997). Fetuin-A (α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein, AHSG, Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein) is efficiently expressed in serum, liver, tongue, and placenta (Denecke et al...
Pit cells belong to the group of sinusoidal cells, together with Kupffer, endothelial, and fat-storing (stellate) cells. Pit cells use the FasL Fas ligand (FasL) and perforin/granzyme pathway to kill target cells. FasL on effector cells binds the Fas that is present on the target cell ...
All capillaries are lined with endothelium; the intralobular capillaries, or sinusoids, like ordinary capillaries, are additionally provided with highly phagocytic, reticular, stellate cells that belong to the reticuloendothelial system. The liver is innervated by the vagus nerves and branches of the ...
11B). Most of these pathways belong to signaling cascades associated to regulate the inflammatory and immune responses (CD2236, MHC-I37, CD5238, CHEMERIN39, CD22640, NECTIN41, MHC-II42, SN, CD2343, CD8044, TNF45, CSF46, APRIL47, IL1048, PVR49, AGT50, IL1651, CEACAM52, CD20053,...
These B cells mostly belong to the B-1a lineage, secrete natural antibodies of all isotypes in the serum and produce sIgA in the gut. They accomplish the function of immediate defence against pathogens at mucosal surfaces and in the circulation by the production of site-appropriate natural ...
Hepatitis B and C viruses belong to hepatotropic viruses, which can infect hepatocytes and are the main types of viruses that cause AVH in clinical practice [104]. Symptoms of acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are usually subclinical, whereas acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection tends...
These functions are carried out by three types of cells in the parenchyma: the hepatocyte, which carries out most metabolic functions; the biliary epithelial cells, which line the biliary system, bile ducts, canaliculi, and gallbladder; and the Kupffer cells, which are phagocytic and belong to...
The two DRs DR4 and DR5 belong to the same homology clade as Fas and promote apoptosis via a similar pathway to Fas (Figure 3(a)). In humans, the TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) interacts with DR4 and DR5, which in turn directly interact with FADD and cause DISC assembly...