otherkVERSION 4.1User´s Guidefor MATLAB®LiveLinkTM
comsolmultiphysicslivelinkphonefaxmatlab otherkVERSION4.1User´sGuideforMATLAB®LiveLinkTMotherkBeneluxCOMSOLBV Röntgenlaan19 2719DXZoetermeer TheNetherlands Phone:+31(0)793634230 Fax:+31(0)793614212 info@comsol.nl sol.nlDenmarkCOMSOLA/S Diplomvej381 2800Kgs.Lyngby Phone:+4588708200 Fax:+4588708090...
I am using MATLAB 2013a and COMSOL 4.4. I have the read the User Guide for MATLAB LiveLink and I don't understand how to set up the path through the MATLAB command. "CALLING MATLAB FUNCTION AT THE MATLAB PROMPT Use MATLAB function to a define model property with the set method: someth...
Hello, after having upgraded to Comsol 4.1 the LiveLink to Matlab doesn´t work anymore when I try to start the solve command. As an easy example, I have created a m-File out of the example given in the User Guide. In comsol4.0a this File works perfect, but having started Comsol4.1...
(b) Working in Java or MATLAB takes slightly more time – for the tested case 0.7 to 1 second in excess per time step compared to running COMSOL in the GUI alone. This excess was due to the overhead to communicate with Comsol 4.3a server. (c) When compared with my colleague's work...
I read almost all comsol livelink user's guide, and had a research online about it but i dont see anything about that. I created a 2D model in Matlab Livelink. And in my geometry, i have square, array and a point. I just want to assign a voltage value to that spesi...
Now I want to convert this MATLAB code to Livelink to MATLAB format so that I can open the same geometry in COMSOL. My requirement follows approx same methodology which is given at page number 40-41 manual of Livelink to MATLAB user guide to plot circles at different centre points. The...
In the Optimization Module User's Guide/ Theory for the sensitivity interface/Issues to consider Regarding the Objective Function there is some comment on complex-valued objective functions: 'Sensitivity analysis can be applied only when the objective function is a real-valued di...
What can LiveLink™ for Excel® do for you? LiveLink™forExcel® will let you immediately access variables and parameter values in Excel that have been previously modeled in COMSOL. Changing them on-the-fly in Excel automatically synchronizes them to your COMSOL model, and you can even...