otherkVERSION 4.1User´s Guidefor MATLAB®LiveLinkTM
comsolmultiphysicslivelinkphonefaxmatlab otherkVERSION4.1User´sGuideforMATLAB®LiveLinkTMotherkBeneluxCOMSOLBV Röntgenlaan19 2719DXZoetermeer TheNetherlands Phone:+31(0)793634230 Fax:+31(0)793614212 info@comsol.nl sol.nlDenmarkCOMSOLA/S Diplomvej381 2800Kgs.Lyngby Phone:+4588708200 Fax:+4588708090...
However, I keep running to the issue that the MATLAB directory is not setup correctly... I have gone into MATLAB and set the path directly to where all of the files are located and it still cannot run. I am using MATLAB 2013a and COMSOL 4.4. I have the read the User Guide for MAT...
UserDefinedGUI •UsetheMATLABGUIDEfunctionalitytocreateauserdefinedgraphicaluserinterface(GUI).•SuchaGUIcanbeusedtogivequickaccesstopowerfulCOMSOLfunctionalitytoyourcolleagues,clientsandcustomers.InterfaceFunctions •mphcd :Changedirectorytothedirectoryofthemodel •mphdoc:AccessHTMLdocumentation •mphload:Load...
IT计算机--matlab LiveLink™forMATLAB®-Version4.3aLiveLink™forMATLAB®•ThispresentationprovidesanoverviewofLiveLinkforMATLAB.•LiveLinkforMATLABallowsyoutointegrateCOMSOLMultiphysicswithMATLAB•Youcan-extendyourmodelingwithscripting.-performdataevaluationandpostprocessinginMATLABworkspace.-accesslowlevelmo...
after having upgraded to Comsol 4.1 the LiveLink to Matlab doesn´t work anymore when I try to start the solve command. As an easy example, I have created a m-File out of the example given in the User Guide. In comsol4.0a this File works perfect, but having started Comsol4.1 with ...
loop. Inside the for loop I only have the parameters that changes with wavelength. The geometry does not change, and therefore I put it outside the for loop. I have the impression from the user guide that this is the way to do it. Do you agree or are there some problems related to...
If I use the same command to specify the real character of the control variable: model.physics('opt1').feature('cvar1').set('valueType', 1, 'real'); the Livelink for Matlab does not recognize it. Is there some command to specify the value type of the control ...
I am fairly new with using LiveLink Matlab. I am trying to use the command mphinterp (with the help of the COMSOL user guide). The syntax I am using is : Tcl = mphinterp(model,'T','coord', [ 0,0,20;0,0,25]) I have used mpheval with no errors, but when I use mphinterp, ...
I read almost all comsol livelink user's guide, and had a research online about it but i dont see anything about that. I created a 2D model in Matlab Livelink. And in my geometry, i have square, array and a point. I just want to assign a voltage value to that spesi...