moles (mol) =liters (L)/22.4 Thus, the amount of substance in moles is equal to the volume of ideal gas in liters divided by the conversion ratio of 22.4 L/mol. Did you know that you canconvert atoms to molesusing a similar formula?
How To Convert 1 Cubic Centimeter to Milliliters: Steps & Tutorial from Chapter 15/ Lesson 9 25K The measures of volume in centimeters can be converted to millimeters using a conversion formula. Practice the steps in turning 1 cubic centimeter into milliliters through example problems. ...
Become a member to unlock this answer!Create your account View this answer See full answer below. Learn more about this topic: Metric Units of Capacity | Overview, Conversion & Formula from Chapter 36/ Lesson 10 30K Learn some commonly used metric units of capacity and other non-...
How many moles are there in 2.50 grams of ethanol, C_2H_6O? 200 mg equals how many mL? A bottle has a volume of 38.2 liters. What is its volume in cubic centimeters and in cubic meters? Convert 19.7 g to ul, mg and kg