CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PART I SCOPE OF CHAPTER 101 A principal function of the Exchange is to provide a fair, orderly and transparent market for the trading of securities.102 This Manual sets out the requirements which apply to issuers, the manner in which securities are to be offered, and...
respect of the Finance Lease Arrangement exceeds 5% but is less than 25%, the Finance Lease Arrangement constitutes a discloseable transaction of the Company under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules and is subject to the reporting and announcement requirements under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules. ...
the Bank considers that it would be unduly onerous to require it to continue to monitor all transactions entered into with those promoters and their respective associates to ensure compliance with the connected transactions requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules, purely due to their statu...
Under Rule 18.09, an MC proposing to acquire or dispose of assets which are solely or mainly Mineral or Petroleum Assets as part of a Relevant Notifiable Transaction (i.e. transactions which are classed as “major” or above under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules) must: (i) comply with ...
APPLICABLELISTINGRULESORPRINCIPLES 5.Rule14.01statesthat: ThisChapterdealswithcertaintransactions,principally acquisitionsanddisposals,byalistedissuer.… 6.Rule14.07(4)providesthecalculationofaconsiderationratioasfollows: theconsiderationdividedbythetotalmarketcapitalisation ...
1 Purpose The purpose of the Listing Rules ("LR") is to provide issuers with access to exchange trading that is as free and equal as possible, and to ensure transparency for investors with regard to issuer quality and the char- acteristics of individual securities. Art. 2 Applicability 1...
Key changes to the Listing Rules include: I. Share Schemes funded by issuance of new shares of listed issuers Extend Chapter 17 to govern all share schemes involving grants of share awards and grants of options to acquire new shares ...
HKExLISTINGDECISION-ListingRulesandGuidance HKEx LISTING DECISION Cite as HKEx-LD20 -2011 FACTS 1.The Offeror made a cash offer to acquire the Target’s shares from its existing shareholders.2.Company A held 15 per cent interests in the Target as an investment and was considering whether to ...
Key changes to the Listing Rules include: I. Share Schemes funded by issuance of new shares of listed issuers Extend Chapter 17 to govern all share schemes involving grants of share awards and grants of options to acquire new shares of issuers; ...
of the HongKongListingRules) in respect of the Transaction exceeds 0.1% but is less than 5%, accordingly, such Transaction is subject to the reporting and announcement requirements, but is exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirement under Chapter 14A of the HongKongListingRules. ...